

My Message board
Friends and stuff
Collection of pictures

Quick links around the web

The best MP3 player
Good place to trade MP3s.
Good place to get HTML stuff
Wrestling rankings and stuff for Virginia
Doug's site
Brian's Site
Hear Ye

(My friend's site, check it out)


Im not getting very good at updating now, mainly because nothing goes on around here. A word of advice to anyone who plans on taking your vehicle to a mechanic and get it worked on: at least double the amount of time they say it will take to finish it. I took my car in this morning to get the turn signal fixed and get a state inspection on it. The guy said it would be done in a few hours and i could pick it up after school. Here it is 3:30 and its still not ready. This also has happened before to me when i got in an accident. They said 2 weeks at the most and it ended up taking 3 and a half weeks. So the lesson in all of this, never trust a car mechanic. Im not complaining though cause ive been driving my mom's 2000 celica-gts all day. I also learned something else today. When your in a badass car everyone trys to show you up and race you and stuff. At least 5 people revved their engines when they pulled up beside me and tryed to show off their loud ugly pieces of crap. People would fly past me in the other lane when im just cruising. I guess they think cause their car sounds like they dont have a muffler on it that it makes their car fast. This one honda civic thing which was all pimped out with rims, ground effects, an ugly spoiler, and had a loud ass exhuast on it thought it was all bad and revved his engine and i smoked him off the line, it was funny as crap cause his car sounded like it was gonna blow up, i think he kept it in first or second gear trying to keep up with me. So 2 things i learned today are that you should never beleive what a car mechanic tells you and when your in a kick ass car people try and show off and show you up and most of the time fail miserably. Another word of advice, 2 feet spoilers look extremly gay.


1000+hits! Uh oh, finally broke a thousand hits after about 5 months of this website being up so i figured ide update. I started off only getting about 2 or 3 hits a day and after 5 months im getting about an average of 10 hits a day, amazing huh? Nothing much has been going on over here. I got some Polk speakers for my car and they kick major ass. I had to replace the speakers in the back of my car and the only speaker that would fit without cutting stuff up was a little 4x6 speaker. I didnt think they would get very loud cause they were really small but turns out they can get pretty damn loud. I dont have an amp or anything in my car and the speakers can humm. They have madd bass which i was also surprised at. So if you ever get any speakers for your car i highly recommend getting polk. I plan on getting a subwoofer and an amp whenever i can get some money. Any one know a good size for a subwoofer for a small sports car, especially a 240sx? If so please post some suggestions on my message board.


Damn, long time no update. Nothing much goes on around here. Im playing rec soccer right now and i just got back from a game. I have soccer 3 times a week and wrestling practice 2 days a week. Im trying to get in shape for when the wrestling season for the school starts. Im in some kinda training camp thing right now. Im not that good at soccer but im decent, im just playing to try and get in shape. School has been the same boring crap its been all year. I got written up for "misuse of the computer" and got 2 days of ATS which is really the same as school. I had to sit in a room all day and do work, but i finished all my work and ended up staring at the wall for about 4 hours. My school is so lame, i dont think i have any spirit for my crappy school. All i care about concerning school is wrestling, we have a good wrestling program and i plan on placing in the top 4 in states this year. Our season starts november 6th i think. I also went to our schools homecoming dance and most ofthe people at our school are just as lame as the school. Like only half the people were dancing, the dj sucked, he played a few songs twice, gays ones to. It was pretty fun cause me and my girlfriend were actually dancing and she was dancin all freaky so it was pretty cool but half the people werent even doing anything but sitting down. Why would you pay 15 dollars for a ticket to a dance and sit down the whole time? Whatever, just shows you how lame our school and the people that go there are. Anyway, i keep getting mad hits from search engines with queries like "drunk girls". Keep on coming but your not gonna find any drunk girls here. Im out, peace.


School=boring, useless crap. I think school gets more boring everyday, i dont know if i can take it all year. 5 out of my 7 classes are really really boring so school really sucks this year. This weekend i went up to Blacksburg Va to watch the Virginia tech game. They played the rutgers, who the fuck are they? I dont even know where they were from but i do know that VA tech humiliated them. The score at the half was 35-0. Than the second half they took Vic out so the final score was only 49-0. If they kept Vic in the schore would of probably been alot higher. I also learned that golf gourses in mountainous areas are a bad idea. See blacksburg is in the mountains and me and my dad and my brother wanted to go golfing after the game so we found the nearest course and decided to play there. Turns out the golf course is like on the side of a mountain and is very hilly and the stupid golf cart barely even made it up some hills. The greens were like on slopes which was really bad so my score ended up pretty bad. So if you ever are in a place with alot of mountains its not a good idea to go golfing there. Also today in school in the middle of my stupid english class i told my friend, mason, to count how many times out teacher says OK for the last 45 minutes of the class period. See our english teacher likes to say ok alot so i was wondering how many times she actually says it. It was like close to 50 in 45 minutes. so she says that stupid word a little more than once a minute. Well thats just about everything that happened, also people are still finding their way here for searching for stuff like "drunk girls" and stuff like that. Im surprised so many people search for drunk girls on the internet. Whatever, sorry to dissapoint about half the people that come here but there aint no drunk girls here.


Uh oh, ive updated twice in a day, never done that before. Well i decided to put some more pictures up so here they are. If you like hold the mouse pointer over the picture a thing will come up and explain the pic for ya.

This is my cat

This is me and mason, im on the right and hes on the left

This is mason and brian, brian is on the right

This is brian being himself

This is when mason knocked over my lamp with the ball, the reason the lighting is bad is because the damn light was broken


Whats up with this, 2 updates in less than a week. Well its sunday and i have crappy school tomorrow so i really cant go out and do anything. Nothing really cool happened cept my and my 2 friends mason and brian came over here to my house and chilled and played with my webcam. Below is my favorite picture out of the 40 we took. I know im mad buff so you dont have to tell me, oh its true, its true. I might post some of the other pictures we took, i havent decided yet.

I know im buff


Long time no update, well i havent had a lot of free time really. School just started and now i know why i use to hate it so much. All my classes are mad boring and 2 of my teachers are total bitches. First day of school i walk into one of my classes that i have with my hommie mason and my girl crystal and the teacher puts me on the other side of the room. That teacher is gonna die, i didnt even do anything and as soon as i walk in the door i get put on the other side of the room. That kinda pissed me off. Only cool part is lunch where i got just about all of my friends in my lunch block. Well over the summer ive been workin and chillin wit my homies. I also went to a dave mathews band concert with about 7 or 8 or my friends. The concert really kicked ass and people were all getttin smoked up and stuff, it was funny. They were also giving out free condoms. Last sunday i went to a night club in my area called mittys. That place is really phat, every sunday night they have a thing for highschool students. It was mad hot in there and my shirt was totally soaked with sweat at the end of it. My friend, mason, also crashed his car about a week or 2 ago. Someone cut him off and fucked up his ride and the insurance company is screwing him up the ass. There only gonna give him like 2k to get a new car if anything. The estimated amount of damage was like 4k and they couldnt find out who was at fault, i dont see how hard it is to do that when somone cuts the other person off. I learned a very important lesson from that. Insurance is something you need but never use and when youde think it would come in handy you end up getting screwed over. Well im outa here, i got physics homework and anal math homework. And who put the thing on the message board saying im a hottie or something?? I know im a hottie, you dont have to tell me. Peace.


I was looking at the stats for my page and when i noticed a lot more hits than i normally got ive decided to update more often. I also saw that ive gotten about 80 hits from yahoo search engine and 70 of those people who found my page threw yahoo searched for "drunk girls". I dont understand that. I thought i would test it out and when i went to yahoo and searched for drunk girls my page appeared 5th on the list. I found out that because of the part where i explained my trip to new york and about some girls and guys being drunk that people find my site by searching for drunk girls. So if your here looking for drunk girls, sorry but your at teh wrong page. Also this page is getting kinda long so i think sometime im gonna break it into archives so its not so big. Come back soon cause ill be updating whenever i have time.