Mr. Pieters' Math Treasures Homepage

Mathematics Resources on the Internet

This website supports the teacher and interested students' utilization of online resources that can enhance math skills and promote numeracy at or above grade level. The webpage will link to sites that promote best practices in mathematics and provides the opportunity for interactive problem solving and skills acquisition involving all the mathematical strands. As well, it can be used to extend the classroom learning experience at school, at home or elsewhere. This page represents my personal interest in using the internet in Mathematics and is not endorsed by any educational institution or school district. To suggest a teaching resource, ask questions or provide feedback please contact Mr. Pieters

Math Sites That Enhance Teaching and Learning

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Gary Pieters worked as an international exchange teacher in the Los Angeles Public School System from 1996-1999. He is currently a full-time teacher in Toronto Canada and a part-time M.Ed. Student [Computer Applications].

If you know of any web sites that are relevant to the math page and aligned with the Ontario Curriculum, please send your suggestions by e-mail

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Copyright ©1999-2001 Gary Pieters, All Rights Reserved. Most Recently Updated on January 2, 2001. Academic Content May Not Be Used or Reproduced In Any Form Without The Written Consent Of The Author Of This Homepage.