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Chrysalys Crafts for children: PROJECTS
*** FLOWERS ***

(per flower)

1 square thick yellow paper
or thin card 10 cm x 10 cm

Yellow tissue paper 7 x 25 cm

Green drinking straw - thick bendy type

PVA Glue

All purpose glue


For other DAFFODIL designs
Click here



  1. Wrap the tissue paper around your finger (or a wine bottle cork) like a bandage.
  2. Twist and glue the loose flap down with a little PVA glue to make a long cup shape - this forms the daffodil's trumpet.
  3. Dab a little of the all purpose glue on to the twisted end of the trumpet and push it into the end of the straw. If it is loose, use a tiny piece of bluetack padding, making sure it doesn't show.
  4. Make tiny snips perpendicular to the open edge of the trumpet all the way round and ruffle it with your finger to make a frill.



5. Copy the petal shape (right) onto the yellow card and cut it out. Gently score curved lines down the length of the petals (dotted lines) and bend along these lines to form more realistic petals.

6. Pierce the centre point of the card and make a few small snips outward from this point.

7. Push the petals up the straw to the base of the trumpet, dab the centre of the petals around the straw with PVA and stick onto the base of the trumpet..

8. Leave to dry, while you make more flowers.

9. Place the flowers in a vase. Use Bluetack, oasis, or scrumpled paper to hold the flowers upright and to enable you to arrange them effectively.

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    This website was written by Valerie at Chrysalys Crafts
    on 26th October 1998 and this page was last updated 29th March 2000

    © 1998, 2000 Chrysalys Crafts