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Kidz Club House

Click on the door and windows to visit all the rooms in the Club House!

We've expanded the Rec Room!
Come check it out!

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Charlie introducing our new zoo

IMPORTANT!   Please check the Important Stuff to Read Page
Regularly.   That's where we let you know all the things that are happening
and the new things that are added to Kids' Place.   If you don't read it,
you might miss knowing something important!

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The site and all its contents are all Copyright © Melange 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and beyond. Please note that the absense of current copyright dates on every single page doesn't exclude them from the copyright.

Kids Place Tweeners' Room General Questions (Not HTML)  Newsletters, Links and GuestBook Kids Place SmallKids Room Important Stuff to read The Recreation Room Kidz Club Message Forums Tell us what you'd like to see here! Kids Place BIGKids Room The HTML Center Gallery Nice words relating to Children Charlie's House