He's Friendly! He's Cuddly! He's lovable! He's Pingu!

Welcome to Pingu's UNOFFICIAL Web page.

I've gathered together some general information about Pingu along with a few pictures, sounds and poetry. If you have any Pingu related material or links get in touch - I'll add 'em. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. A special thank you goes to Silvio Mazzola for writing the Pingu stories and for supplying the biography of the Pingu.

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| Pictures | Everything I know,.. | Poetry | Products | FAQ | Sounds |

NEW An exclusive biography of Pingu by Silvio Mazzola, the author of the Pingu stories.

And remember:

"Pingu is a lovable character who appeals to young children but who does not always set the best example for their behaviour.." Pingu Magazine

Mark Cusack ( Last Updated Friday 2nd December 2005.

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