Fun and Easy Arts

Edible Art Box Music Paper Bowl Silly Stickers Socktopus Personal Puzzle Roller Print Craft Coins Moving Pictures Scarecrow

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Edible Art

Matzoh or bread
Spoon or knife

Create a picture you can eat! Spread honey over a piece of matzoh or bread and place pieces of cereal, raisins, nuts, or other small food on it to create a collage. After admiring your work, take a bite.
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Box Music

Metal or plastic box (loaf pan, tea tin, plastic food container)
Rubber bands of different widths
Little fat things such as pencil stubs, coins ,caps

A small, square or rectangular box works best for this project. Wrap rubber bands around the box, with even spaces between them. Pluck the bands to test their sound. Change the sound by sticking litte fat things under some of the rubberbands. You can beat the rhythm with a spoon on the box as you play the strings.
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Paper Bowl

Old ball
1 cup white flour
1 tablespoon salt
Disposable bowl or plastic container
Crepe paper

Smear Vaseline on half the ball and sit it sticky side up. Rip newspaper into small pieces. Mix the flour and salt in a bowl. Drip in one cup of water and stir it until it is soupy. Dunk a paper patch in the gluey soup, squeeze off the extra, and lay it on the greasy part of the ball, and then paste several layers over each other until the covering gets thick. Add crepe paper patches for color. Leave it a day or more, until it's dry, then pry your bowl off the ball.

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Silly Stickers

Blank business stickers in various sizes (Avery brand is commom)
Hole Punch

Make unique stickers by decorating the regular blank kind from the stationary store. Use markers to draw symbols or write your favorite names, intials, or words in many colors, in polka dots, animal stripes, 3-D, or wild design. Draw in glue and then sprinkle glitter or confetti. Use a hole punch to make the spces in letters. Before you peel the backing off, use scissors to change the shape: cut sun rays, rabbit ears or cloud edges.

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Old Sock (cotton dress sock is best)
Stuffing (sock, cloth, or plastic bag)
String or ribbon
Scissors (adult kind)
Beads, buttons, yarn, felt scraps

Stuff the toe of the sock with stuffing and tie underneath with string. Cut off the heel. Cut slowly up the sock almost to the string, to make nine thin strips-it takes patience to get all nine. Braid every 3 strands together, and tie the bottoms. Glue bead, buttons, yarn, or felt scraps to the head to make a face and a hat.

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Personal Puzzle

Materials: Picture
Thin board (tagboard or manilla folder)

Find picture you like that takes up a whole page. Smear glue all over the back of the picture and stick it to the board. Mush out all the wrinkles. Cut off any extra board. On the back, draw lines in different directions, so they cross each other and make uneven shapes. Cut along the lines to make your puzzle pieces. Slide the pieces around, turn them over-can you put them together again?

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Roller Print

Materials: Old sponges or foam
Cardboard roll Tempera paint
Old pan or large sheet of wax paper
Big paper (computer, butcher, newsprint)

On wrapping or wall paper you see the same little design repeated over and over. You can do that too, by roler printing. Cut old sponges into small shapes, such as triangles. Spread glue on them and press each one to the cardboard roll. Spread the paint in the old pan, or over a big sheet of wax paper, and stir in a little water. Roll the sponge roller in the paint, then roll it across the big paper to make a pattern over and over.

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Craft Coins

Materials: Small plastic bottle caps
Tiny things
Magazines, colored paper, glue

Collect tiny things from around the house: beads, buttons, springs, leaves, shells. Cut out circle pictures the size of a nickel. Squeezef glue inside the plastic caps to fill them half way. Put a few small things, or a circle picture, in each cap of glue. Leave them to dry overnight and tomorrow you'll have special coins to use for good luck charms, play shopping, or game pieces.

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Moving Pictures

Materials: Glue
Thick cardboard, as big as you want
Felt, slightly larger than the cardboard
Felt scraps
Colored paper
Old magazines, catalogs, other pictures, extra photographs

Glue the felt to the cardboard,covering one whole side. Cut the extra off, or fold it around the edges and glue it to the back. Cut pictures of people, houses, and other things from magazines, and glue a small scrap of felt to the back of each one. Pres your shapes and pictures onto your felt board. Move them around as you tell a story, or make a different picture every day.

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Paper bag

Roll up three sheets of newspaper to make a long log. Bend it at the middle-you've just made the head, body, and legs. Roll up another log for the arms, and tape it like a cross to the body log, near the top. Cut a circle face and mitten hands from paper bags, color them, and glue them to the arms and head. Cut a gown from a paper bag by slicing the sides and cutting a hole in the top.

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