The Flying Rainbow Teddies
Teddies were the first living creatures other than plants and bacteria. They lived in Australia back in the days when it was joined to Africa.
Flying Rainbow Teddies had a life span of 100 years. These Teddies could grow up to 60 cm tall and 60 cm wide! They preferred to eat plants but still had a little insect meat in their diets.
Flying Rainbow Teddies lived in families. What was unusual about these family groups was that the children were the dominant members. This meant the children were in charge and made the decisions.
The Flying Rainbow Teddies were related to other species of Teddy such as the Volcano Teddies. This species lived on the small volcanic Island of Teddes. Another species of Teddy was the Melbournian Dragon Teddy. This species was unusual in that they hatched from small blue eggs.
Flying Rainbow Teddies, Volcano Teddies and Melbournian Dragon Teddies were peaceful but there was another species of Teddy which was a warlike species. This species was called the Slime Breathing Teddy. It was feared because it hunted the other species down and ate them, making them almost extinct.
Although many people believe the Teddies are no longer alive, children around the world protect the last few remaining survivors.
By Fabian Crothers for Christian and Cath.