<BGSOUND SRC="miditeletubbies.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

My name is Ivy Hope Dunlop and I was born on July 04th 1997 at 11:10am. I weighed 6lbs 15oz and was almost 20 inches long.

6 weeks old

@ 9 months old I weighed about 17lbs and was 28 inches long.

1st Birthday, boy do I LOVE cake!

Halloween 1998, 15 months old

13 months old, I love bath time.

I Love my baby Brother :o)

I really enjoyed my sisters barbie birthday party. I guess its my birthday next, but what theme should I choose? If you have a birthday theme idea please write it down in our guestbook on the home page. I'll let you know what I decide :o)

March 12, 2000. Mommy loves this picture of me. She thinks I look so peaceful.

Me and my daddy at the beach

June 1st! Me and Jacob.
My vocabulary is getting better everyday now. I had a slow start but I'm quickly learning. Mommy's & Daddy's favorite new saying of mine is "I love you" Though it sounds a bit like " I Wove you" :o) I was a whole 33lbs at my check up last month.
I hope you'll come by and visit me again soon. Till then 'Wove you'. xoxo

Ivy's winning Photo

Thank-you babies of 97 and more :o)