Welcome To
Rainbow Palace

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!" a flying pony screams as she zooms past you.
What in the--  relax.  You're in Rainbow Palace, of course.  You look around and see the beautiful prizm walls and hear the clicky sound of the ponies' hooves on the glass floors.  A familiar face walks towards you. 
"Hi there!" quips Magic Star, the owner of the Palace.  "Kinda weird around here, huh?  Well, it certainly isn't what it used to be.  It used to be perfect, but then we all realized, hey, nothing's perfect!  We've all got our downfalls," she says as she looks around.  "We've also had a recent uprising of, well...hooligans.  Ponies that just run around completely wild, just...complete heathens.  So I figured, if you can't beat them, join them!"
Just then, a male pony with outrageous spikey blue hair comes running up to you out of no where and shouts, "OI!  PUNK ROCK!"  You draw back quickly.  "Ah, then. Wot's wiffuh dirty looks now?"
"It's a human, Comrade, give it a break," interrupts Magic Star.
"Riiiiiiiiiight..." the ruffian says sarcastically. 
"Anyway," Magic Star continues. "Feel free to navigate your way around here.  You'll find some of the same old rooms, you know, Lullaby's Rooms, Midnight Tower, et cetera, but you might also encounter some new stuff.  Well, I gotta split.  Catch you on the flip side!"
"Aye, mate, ROCK ON!" the weird one says.

You take a look around and decide to explore the place . . .
gosh, i'm gorgeous
Where would you like to go next?
The Library
The Jungle
Lullaby's Rooms The Desert
Storm Mountain
The Meadow
The Beach
Links Page
The Gardens
The Courtyard
The Kitchen
Free Pictures
Midnight Tower
Crappy Land
email me luvies!
Click on Kitty to email me!
This is my widdle dragon, Krynn.  She's so cute!
ooooo da squishy baby!
oh hush!
stop pony hate now!!!!!!!
muahahaha!  yes, i'm proud
Om'god!  I won an award!!!! HORAYYYY!!!
*gasp*  I won my first award!!! OMG!!!  Thanks so much CT!! You da pony!!!  (click to go to CT's site)
this is jewel.  jewel says hi.  jewel isn't as fat as prizm.
These are my chubby little unicorns, Prizm (white) and Jewel.  They frolick around Rainbow Palace!  If you would like some unicorns for your site, go here.
this is Prizm.  Prizm says hi.  Prizm is chubby.
Last updated June 27, 2002
(plus 986 more, because the P.O.S. broke)
Since February 16, 2000