For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoseoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. From the Bible............. John 3:16

When you ask a child how much they love you

and they stretch their arms wide from side to

side and say "This much", does that not look

somewhat familiar? That is how much Jesus

loves us all. Can you say that to someone you

do not know, or someone who has hurt you?

Can you embrace the world and

say " I love you this much."? God knows that

we as humans sometimes have a hard time

embracing the world such as Jesus did, that is

why Jesus came in human form, so we wouldn't

have to. That is something mankind just can't seem

to do. But God loves us anyway and he knows what is

in our hearts, if we love others even a little bit, God loves

us and forgives us our weaknesses. We don't have to be "in love" with

everyone, we just have to be able to love people from the heart enough that we

have compassion for everyone. Jesus had compassion for all mankind even

those who nailed him to the cross.

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