1908 ~ KIES started as a one-room building on the south end of Knotts Island.
1925 ~ Mr. Joseph P. Knapp* built a sturdy brick school-house, which now contains administrative offices, and the Library/Media center.
1976 ~ More modern cafeterias and classrooms were built.
1991 ~Large-scale expansion added a gym, community center, and a classroom wing.
1996 ~ School-wide internet access increased staff development and enahnced student learning.
1997 ~ NC implemented a new Accountability Program. KIES was one of 25 schools to receive "School of Distinction" status, which went to those schools where 80% or more of the students perform at or above grade level. Eighty-six percent of KI students performed at or above grade level, a 17-point jump over the school's 69% score last year. (from The Daily Advance 8/7/98).
1998 ~ Plans were approved to build six new classrooms and expand the cafeteria.
1999 ~ Construction of the new classroom wing began during the summer of 1999; it was expected to be completed ahead of schedule in early 2000.
2000 ~ Kindergarten - Fourth Grades moved into their beautiful, spacious new classrooms. In the fall, KIES was recognized as a School of Distinction and named among the "Top 25 Schools" in NC having the highest academic growth.
2001 ~ A state-of-the-art computer lab was established in the Library/Media Center.
2002 ~ We welcomed new Superintendent, C. Michael Warren, from Asheboro City Schools.
*To learn more about Mr. Knapp's wildlife conservation efforts, visit Ducks Unlimited. To read about his contribution to the arts, visit Chapel Hill's Ackland Art Museum.
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