Mission Statement
Creating a safe, nurturing learning environment is of the utmost importance to the staff of Currituck County Schools. Knotts Island Elementary is blessed with quality people and programs, all focusing on the needs of our young people. We seek close cooperation between home and school in order to promote the academic success and personal well-being of each child.

Faye Freeman, Principal
After attending KIE from 1st-7th grade, Mrs. Freeman graduated from J. P. Knapp High School in Currituck County. In 1973, she received her B.A. in Social Studies from NC Wesleyan College. She taught at KIE for 17 years, before becoming the Curriculum Coordinator. She received her M.S. in Education from Old Dominion University in 1988 and has been the Principal of KIES for 12 years. She was recognized in Who's Who of Teachers and was Principal of the Year in 1995. Her biggest challenge is to find innovative ways to meet the needs of all students. Her biggest joy is when children come to her and share their learning experiences. She also enjoys gardening, photography and birdwatching.

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