previous day's entry April 9, 2003 next day's entry
hey! So its like 10:30 wednesday nite, and i'm so bored i could almost die! Me and Amber went to melfort today,after school! i got a knew pair of knickers..and for those of you people who think its undies..they arent (scot!) lol they are longer capris! they are totally cute i love em! and i got sparkley eye liner i dunno i saw my friend dustin WOW WHAT A HOTTIE!!!! like mmmm mmmm mmmm he's right, after that hug i aint never washing my shirt ; )    lol yeppers, so last nite EVERYTHING GOT CLEARED UP with me and todd and we're just friends! i'm glad i never got my hopes up cuz it totally ended up like all the other attempted tries at getting back together,  he hints, i hint, we hint, we say what we feel then we take it all back! haha but i realized i totally didn't want a boyfriend! this summer is gonna be so fun and without a b/f...1O TIMES FUNNER! and my grandma just fixed the car that is going to be tires, oil change, starter! its gonna rock, not that hot of a car, but hey it'll get us places right girls ; )   YEP YEP i'm so excited like 3 more months till i'm driving WOOO watch out guys! hahahaha wow am i bored! So i have a philosophy, i decided! wanna hear it? well you going too! DEVS PHILOSOPHY:  Everyone says that live life to the fullest when your a teen, and that these years are the best? how can people say that i mean the teen years r full of confusion, hurtfullness and backstabbing! i mean our friends go and find new friends in highschool who are "cooler", we get dumped which leaves us emotionally hurt forever, a broken heart never heals completely, its full of backstabbing people who claim to be your friends and we all know that they only reason that they are nice most the time is cuz they want something. But i believe that the true friends are the best. i mean without my TRUE friends, i wouldn't have anything. Sure there is fights or whatever but we're always friends in the end. but sometimes friends change, and not for the better, they're personality changes, i still love em to death, but i became friends with them FOR THERE PERSONALITY so when it changes its hard to be as close as you were to the "other personality" ya know? and i also believe that guys, as much as they claim aren't ALL idiots...they are. i'm not saying this becuz i have had a rough go around with them, but they are, i mean i listen to my friends bitch and complain, even be hystericaly crying, bout how guys hurt them! we're suppose to fall in love right? every adult says that teen love is the strongest, but thats what hurts cuz most people dont stay together forever and guys always promise us stuff that never happens "i promise to love you forever" once that is said, there is no turning back, you date a few months, few years, but in the end your left hurt, and you know what, if you love them then WHY WOULD U BREAK UP WITH THEM! guys throw love around like its a tool! well it is a tool to them, most of them that is, to get gurls into bed, love is like a hammer to a nail, you hammer it into the girls head your gonna get nailed (wow good metaphor dev) i think that teen life should be full of hook ups and meaning less relationships that seem meaning full but the word "love" is never used, they are in the relationship for fun and that the person will be there when the other person needs them whether its to talk, to cuddle or to kiss! so really its like Best Friends with the few added well then, catch ya later! i'm not done my philosophy but just about i will think of more i'm sure!
love ya,