The Myth of Creation
[from "Teen Witch" by Silver RavenWolf, pages 24-26]

Long, long ago, the world slept in the arms of the dark void. From this place of nothingness, Spirit drew together and created Our Lady of infinite love. The Lady danced among the heavens, her feet beating out the rhythm of all creation. Sparks of light catapulted from her hair, giving birth to the stars and planets. As she twirled, these heavenly bodies began to move with her in the divine symphony of the universe. When her dancing quickened she formed the sease and the mountains of earth. She chanted words of love and joy, and as these sounds fell to the earth, the trees and flowers were born. From the pure, white light of her breath came the colors of the universe, turning all things to vibrant beauty. From the bubbling laughter in her throat sprang the sounds of the pristine running water of the streams, the gentle lapping vibrations of the lake, and the roaring screams of the oceans. Her tears of joy became the rains of our survival.

And when her dancing slowed, and the Lady sought a companion to share the wonders of the world, Spirit created the God as her lifemate and companion. Because she so loved the earth, Spirits made her companion half spirit, half animal, so that together the Lord and Lady could populate our planet. The Lord's power moves through her, and she showers the earth and all upon it with her blessings. Together, the Lord and Lady gave birth to the birds, animals, fish, and people of our world. To protect and guide the humans, the Lord and Lady created the angels and power spirits. These energies walk with us always, though we often cannot see them. To each bird the Lady gave a magick song, and to each animal the Lord bestowed the instict to survive. The Lord is the master of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and therefore wears the antlers of a stag crowning his great head. This aspect of half man, half animal shows in his joy both the human and animal creations of the Spirit, and he revels in this image.

As the humans began to grow and prosper, the Lord and Lady saw the need for healers among their own kind. And so they drew forth energy from the realm of the angels, the realm of the power animals, and the realm of the humans to create the Witches. The Witches brought with them the wisdom of the Lord and Lady, the ability to heal, and the art of magick. The Lady taught the Witches how to cast a magick Circle and talk to Spirit, and the Lord taught the Witches how to communicate with the spirits of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water, and commune with the animal and plant kingdoms.

At first, the humans accepted the Witches, and treated them fairly; but because the Witches were different, other humans began to fear the Wise Ones of the Lord and Lady. Thus the Witches became the Hidden Children, conducting their rites of positive energy is secret lest they risk capture and death at the hands of fearful humans.

As the world grew darker with ignorance and hate of human creation, the Lady took the body of the moon to represent the gentle light of her perfect peace, and the Lord took the vibrant rays of the sun as his symbol of strength in perfect love. And once a month, when the moon is full, the Witches celebrate and remember the blessings our Mother has bestowed upon us. We call forth her energy to help us take care of ourselves, our families, our planet, and our friends. Four times a year, as the sun cycles through the seasons, the Witches celebrate the festivals of fire and honor the Lord and his love for us. At the four quarters of the seasons, the Witches honor the cycle of life and the gifts of the earth.

When it is our time, the Witches enter the Summerland. From the Spirit that moves and flows through the Lord and Lady, we continue to learn the mysticism of the universe so that we may return, life after life, to serve our brothers and sisters. In each lifetime, Spirit guides us through learning experiences, preparing us along the way for our individual missions. Sometimes we are born among our own kind, and in other instances we must seek out our spiritual family. Many of us do not remember our chosen path until we reach adulthood, but others, from the time they form their own thoughts, know instinctively of their heritage.

We are the Witches, the representatives of wisdom's growth on our planet. We are the Hidden Children, back from the dead. We are the People, the power the change- and we have incarnated in every race and every culture. We are the angels of earth.