Here's some photos of Brandon's First Soccer Game!  Isn't he so grown up now!
I've got to GO Mom, hurry up!
One quick smile and that's it!
And he's off and running!
Trying to come up with a team name.
The little blond next to the coach on the right REALLY wanted to be called the Power Rangers, but he got vetoed luckily!
Okay, we'll be the Raptors!
And there he goes, off like a shot!
Kiara was begging to play the whole time, and Mom had to restrain her, the poor thing!
Brandon's the kid on the ground in front of the coach's legs, doing a slide tackle...don't think he's supposed to be doing those yet!  LOL
And off and running again!
Brandon telling someone how to do something, don't know what though!
The coach giving Brandon a pep talk.
Brandon watching in the distance as the other team gets to start off.
I'm almost there, hang on!
C'mon, I'm ready to run, I don't care if it's 95+ degrees!
All of the younger teams were crossing over into the other fields chasing the ball, it was too funny to watch the coaches try to herd them in the right direction!
Poised and ready to go, Brandon's in the far left near the coach.
Watch out cause here I come!
Time to get back in position.
Here he comes, look out boys!
One last struggle for the ball before the whistle was blown.