What's your screenname? Kaosin3D
What's your real name? -- Alaina
When's your birthday? February 7, 1985
Where were you born? Edmonton, Canada BLEH!
Where do you live now? - Calgary, Canada YAAAAYYY!!!!!
Do you like it here? Yeah, way better then Edmonton. lmao
How many times have you moved? erm
3 times. Twice in edmonton, once to calgary
How tall are you? 58 or something..
What color are your eyes? -- browm
What color is your hair? brownish blonde
What is your best feature? erm. NOTHING! lol. iunno
Do you like your looks? sometimes. Depends on the day
Are you smart? I took 3 AP classes last year. But I dont think Im smart
What is you best talent? Im a good listener!
Are you healthy? I usually dance anywhere from 4 hours to over 10 hours a week. So
I suppose maybe I am.
Do you have any brothers or sisters? older brother
Do you like your parents? theyre ok
Who is (are) your best friend(s)? Jess
How did you guys become best friends? were attached at the hip, it was bound
to happen sooner or later
Do you have any enemies? probably. Dunno. Hope not
What do you usually do on weekends? sleep, dance, do stuff with people but no one
ever does anything! grr
Who do you go to for advice? Jess, my mom, other people too, but not as often
Do people go to you for advice? yeah. Lots of em
Do you have dark secrets? nope. I like telling people stuff. Ask me a question and
Ill answer it
How important is friendship to you? very important, and i've done some stupid
things that would make it seem like it isn't...but it is
Three words that best describe you are? hyper, insecure, kind
Do you get good grades? - usually
The significant other...
Have you ever been in love? -- Yup
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? nope, Im free as a bird
Did someone like you, but you didn't feel the same way? -- yeah
What is the nicest thing a member of the opposite sex has done for you?
ummm....Russ used to give me compliments of the day. that was really nice =)
What is the nicest thing you have done for them? erm. iunno, probably nothing
What is the meanest thing they have done to you? there's been a few...
Have you ever thought you'd fall in love again? yup
Wonder if a friend of yours is in love with you or has a crush on you? yeah, all
the time! hehe
Whats the best thing about being in a relationship?getting hugs everyday! Hehe
and knowing someones always gonna be there for you. many many good things..
What's the best thing about not being in a relationship? Freedom
also many good things here
Les Favorites...
Color? -- blueee
Food? I like
ketchup chips..mm and pizza mmm..
CD? DC Talk ~ Supernatural or Lifehouse
Music Artist? lots and lots and lots and lots
Song? lots n lots n lots n lots
Movie? Center Stage/10 things I hate about you/save the last dance/the fast and the
furious/gone in 60 seconds/pearl harbor
Animal? -- cats
Sport? nope
Im athetically challenged
Team? blah! Stupid sports.
Athlete? me!
thats not right
Video Game? zelda 64
Theme Park? calaway!!!! Heheehe what a lame place
Dinosaur? the little ones that wouldnt eat me..
Actor? Ben afleck..
Actress? Jennifer love hewit
Thing to do? -- dance
Restaurant? anywhere with good fooooood
What is the last...
Thing you said? uhm..i said "bye daddy" cause he phoned me.
Food you ate? microwave lasagna stuff. yummy eh?
Person you talked to on the phone? my daddy.
Movie you saw in a theater? The Glass House
Song you listened to? Color Blind - Counting Crows
Sport you played? i'm against sports.
Thing you drank? -- water
Time you did your homework? today in english i did some bio homework.
Time you got yelled at? appearently about 2 weeks ago i got bitched out by a friend
of mine. does that count?
Time you yelled? I dont yell much.
Time you were in the hospital? october 2 years ago to get an x-ray
Time you cried? when i found out the US was bombing afgahnistan
Do you feel you are grown up? not really, but I'm 16 and I feel old...
Are you trying to grow up to quickly? no, I wanna be 3 again!
What's scary about growing up? getting a job. Im lazy
Who treats you like a grown up? my parents
Which is better...
AE or AF? eh?
McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds!!!!1
Chocolate or Vanilla? I like them bothm..mmmmm
Regular M-M's or Peanut? either or
Chewy Runts or Regular? dont like runts
Scream 1 or 2? both? How bout we say 3 just to be difficult?
Blame It On Myself or Blame It On The Weatherman? -- Um... the weatherman
Shopping or Sleeping? sleeping
but shopping if youve got lots of someone
elses money to spend!
Trains or Buses? trains! I love the metro and the tube
c-train sucks
Coke or Pepsi? they taste the same to me.
Would you like to...
Get married? yeah yeah yeah!
Have a child? yeah yeah yeah! 3
Raise a family? yeah yeah yeah!!!!!
am I annoying you yet?
What do you want to spend the rest of your life doing? teaching or being lazy.
If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could keep 10 people on the island with
you who would they be? I don't think there are 10 people out there right now that
i'd want to take with me. some of the people that i would want to take with me, wouldn't
want to be there, so i can't take them with me. so we'll just not answer this question.
works for me.
Revised - October 10, 2001