Daron Ray Dildine, Jr. | Daron's Journal | Photo Gallery | Prematurity Links

This is our experience with a premature baby, born after only 26 weeks of pregnancy.  Sue's two previous pregnancies were uneventful with large full-term babies so we had no warning that anything would go wrong.

After a month of bleeding, the cramping started and the subsequent admission to Columbia West Hills Medical Center.  Magnesium Sulfate was used to control the contractions but after 3 days, the labor started again and baby Daron was born 8 hours later.

This page was started when Daron was only 8 days old and there wasn't much to report yet.  We have updated this page regularly -- for our family, for our friends, and for those who may be going through similar experiences.  As such, we are always "Under Construction."

Truly, this is God's little miracle baby and we have been given the tremendous honor of caring for him for as long as God sees fit.  We continually give thanks to the Lord for His grace and mercy on this little life.


Daron Ray Dildine, Jr. | Daron's Journal | Photo Gallery | Prematurity Links

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Last updated:  February 15, 1999

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