This site has free background textures, buttons, bars, and button sets. Please do not link to BACKGROUND, if you wish to include any of them on your page then download them and place them on your server or diskette. If you link to something of mine and I delete it, then your home page will be without the graphic, buttons, or background. To download any of the following, simply position your mouse over the line, click your right mouse button, then select "Save Image as" all background are FREE for non commercial use, however they may not be added to any other image collections or archives.

For commercial background contact me at:
Taladu'S Texture Web Magic

The one thing I ask in return for the use of my background is a return credit link. It isn't much to ask for all of the work and time that goes into creating the background. If you want to use a banner or button, you can choose from....

Link to the following:
If you send me your URL, I will link back to you.
How to used Border Background go here!
How to used and save Border Background!

Or leave a meassage in my guestbook
if you use my background or buttons
All graphics was design
by Taladu's Textures Web Magic
Copyright © 1999 All rights reserved
(Be sure to add a link to them!)

think before you link

Stealing bandwidth is a bad bad thing....
If you don't know what that is, do yourself a big favor...
click on the graphic above and find out.

Enter Textures Background

View my guestbook Sign my guestbook

Email Me

Since June 9, 1999

DoingDragon counters

Vist my main site

This entire website was and continues to be made using hand written HTML.
NO editors, generators, or publishers of any kind were used in the building,
tearing down, rebuilding and maintaining of this website.

For my Java Script I used

Created with EditPad

For background, buttons, and graphic I used

Paint shop