Welcome to my Guestbook!

I hope you are enjoying your visit to my house. I would really like you to sign my
book so I will know you were here and I can visit your website if you have one.
< center>

Angel Mom Kathiey - 11/10/99 12:33:45
My Email:Diva_kat@yahoo.com
Which state or country do you live in?: New Jersey
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No
What kind of things do you like to do?: Arts and crafts, reading, singing and taking care of children.
Do you have a pet?: Yes Pebbles is my Staffordshire bull terrier but she thinks she is a human toddler!

Hi Stevie Kay what a cute page! Your Angel momo, Kathiey

Ginger Holliday - 05/16/99 22:39:17
My URL:http://www.nidlink.com/~ugholl/
Which state or country do you live in?: Idaho, USA
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No
What kind of things do you like to do?: Read, Walk in the Woods, Play with my Furry Family
Do you have a pet?: Yep! 17 of them!

Aw, Stevie... I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. My computer caught a bug and forgot all that it knew so we had to teach it everything all over again and that caused me to miss your birthday. I'm bumme . I know you probably had a terrific day anyway and maybe it's better that I showed up late than to not show up at all. I hope this coming year (while you're 9) is full of good health, love, fun, happiness and learning and that all your birthday wishes ome true. Come on over and visit my wolves, Angus & Brianna, if you get bored. They like kids. I'll be sure to return to your home page sometime to look for new stuff. 'See' ya later!< r>
Shelley(babebluz) - 05/14/99 03:51:11
My URL:http://ww.angelfire.com/wa/Babebluz
My Email:babebluz@hotmail.com
Which state or country do you live in?: WA
Do you have a pet?: A dog and a cat

Stevie Kay, Happy Birthday sweetie, from a friend of your mom's....

Kerri Lynn - 05/08/99 07:27:17
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/1203
My Email:monkygirl@gurlmail.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Texas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: Yes
What kind of things do you like to do?: Watch movies, sing, and play with my pets
Do you have a pet?: Yes, a bunch

Hi Stevie Kay. I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday. I like your birthday page, it is awsome. Have a good day and come visit my website some time.

Cameo - 05/08/99 07:24:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6535
My Email:kisses@cvtv.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Texas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: My daughter does
What kind of things do you like to do?: Play on the internet, and collect a bunch of coca-cola things
Do you have a pet?: Yes, a whole bunch of them

Stavie Kay, you have a very nice Grandma to make you such a special page for your birthday. You are so pretty. I hope that you had a very special Birthday and that you have a good day. God Bless You Angel

Dianne Torrey - 05/08/99 05:27:06
Which state or country do you live in?: NY
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: I still have all my old ones!
What kind of things do you like to do?: Chat with your mom.
Do you have a pet?: Cat named Caleb

Happy Birthday, big girl! You are very pretty in your picture. I hope you got some good presents!

Shelli and Geill - 05/08/99 00:36:54
My Email:weston@northnet.org
Which state or country do you live in?: NY
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: Geill does
What kind of things do you like to do?: karate, reading, having fun
Do you have a pet?: 3 dogs and one hedegehog

Happy Birthday Stevie Kay. Hope you had a great day on May 6th. Geill's ninth birthday is tomorrow on May 8th. Maybe you could e-mail her. Shelli

chuck tackett - 05/07/99 23:46:22
My Email:ctackett@kenton.com
Which state or country do you live in?: ohio
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no, baseball cards
What kind of things do you like to do?: play golf and softball and watch tv and of course the net
Do you have a pet?: no heath and i are allergic to them

happy birthday stevie kay and what a neat page grandma has fixed up for you this is a great place

Rosemarie - 05/07/99 22:50:52
My Email:sleepyrose@hotmail.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Canada
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: i did as a child
What kind of things do you like to do?: advocacy work for special needs kids
Do you have a pet?: four guinea pigs five fish and a bird


lorri - 05/07/99 22:23:07

happy birthdy i love

Deger - 05/07/99 21:46:41
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/selinsel/index.html
My Email:degerepozdemir@turk.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Istanbul-Turkey
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: Yes and also l collect porcelaine dolls
What kind of things do you like to do?: listening to music,searching in the net,talking with friends
Do you have a pet?: a parrot

HAPPY BİRTHDAY TO YOU STEVİE KAY.I hope all of your dreams come true in a short time.All my best wishes for you.

Herb, Evelyne & Kimberly - 05/07/99 19:51:45
My URL:http://www.jumpoint.iperweb.com/hot4cpb
My Email:simons@ican.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Ontario, Canada
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No
What kind of things do you like to do?: Play with computers
Do you have a pet?: A big 55 gal. fish tank

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stevie Kay. I realy like your site and say hello to your Grand Ma for me, bye for know...

Linda - 05/07/99 19:48:44
My Email:lindak@gwtc.net
Which state or country do you live in?: South Dakota
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no, sorry
What kind of things do you like to do?: garden and play with my kids
Do you have a pet?: 1 dog and 7 cats

Hi! I wanted to wish you a happy birthday! I hope you have the best birthday yet!

Francie, Jerad, and Austin - 05/07/99 18:00:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/Heartland/Farm/7020/index.html
My Email:froberson@kih.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Kentucky
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no
What kind of things do you like to do?: computer & shopping
Do you have a pet?: Yes- Tinkerbell, a grey cat and her adopted sister, Lulu, a white cat and our chow chow dog, Pooh Bear

We hope that you have had a great birthday!!! What a great present from your grandma!!

The Pied Piper - 05/07/99 17:07:26
My URL:http://freeweb.digiweb.com/science_fiction/ThePiedPiper/index.html
Which state or country do you live in?: TEXAS
What kind of things do you like to do?: Raise, Train, and show dogs in obedience as well as making web pages with notepad
Do you have a pet?: Cats, Dogs, and Fish are on the way.

I like the grafics, nice page. I am adding the link to my http://freeweb.digiweb.com/science_fiction/ThePiedPiper/pagetwo.htm#grafics Happy Birthday

Gennifer - 05/07/99 16:52:22
My Email:gpant@ecenet.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Minnesota
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No
What kind of things do you like to do?: My daguhter, and my dogs.
Do you have a pet?: Yes, 3 dogs

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stevie Kay!!!!!! May you have a great one, and get everything you wanted on it.

Rachael Hoffman - 05/07/99 16:51:39
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/psn/
My Email:psn@hitter.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Florida
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No, but my sister does...the Holiday Barbies
What kind of things do you like to do?: reading, watching TV, especially General Hospital
Do you have a pet?: Yes, a cat named Simba

Stevie you are a beautiful little girl, and I want to wish you a very, very, very happy birthday!

Kelly S. Spina - 05/07/99 16:30:14
My URL:http://www.omaser.com/kss
My Email:kellys@omaser.com
Which state or country do you live in?: NJ, USA
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no
What kind of things do you like to do?: play with my puppy
Do you have a pet?: I have a dachshund and two tabby cats.

Happy Birthday Stevie! Next year you'll be celebrating a two-digit birthday! I hope you got all you wished for. :-)

Bren - 05/07/99 15:31:48
My Email:SessionsAz@aol.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Arizona
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: not yet--have a 3 year old girl tho!
What kind of things do you like to do?: read, surf the net
Do you have a pet?: 1 dog 2 cats

Happy Birthday Stevie Kay! I hope you have a great day. Bren- from your mom's E-mail loop

Robbie - 05/07/99 14:58:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/3994/
My Email:fairlady@carol.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Anderson
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No but my daughter does
What kind of things do you like to do?: Skating
Do you have a pet?: yes a dog and a cat

Happy Birthday Stevie hope you have a wonderful day May god bless you and hope you have many more like this one. Fairlady

Roberta - 05/07/99 14:57:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/6726
My Email:roberta_gray@hotmail.com
Which state or country do you live in?: WA.
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no but my daughter plays with them
What kind of things do you like to do?: sew read mybible and take care of my kids
Do you have a pet?: no

Happy birthday Stevie! Hope your day is filled with love and joy!

Ramirose Attebury - 05/07/99 14:38:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/2310
My Email:rosebudy@animalhouse.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Oregon
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: I used to. I wonder where they are.
What kind of things do you like to do?: compute, read, cook, watch movies
Do you have a pet?: yup - a fish and a dog

Happy Birthday!

April - 05/07/99 14:35:15
My URL:http://www.kid-power.com
My Email:april@kid-power.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Kansas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no
What kind of things do you like to do?: playing on the internet
Do you have a pet?: Tori our dog and Sassy the cat

I just stopped by to say Happy Happy Birthday Stevie. I hope your special day was wonderful.

Sue Morovits - 05/07/99 13:51:51
My Email:gmorovit@chorus.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Wisconsin
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: My daughter does
What kind of things do you like to do?: sit outside on a nice day
Do you have a pet?: yes Cat Fluffy

Happy Birthday Stevie and many more and your grandma did a GREAT job with your web page. Sue M. :o)

Nicole, Meghan, Kayla, Sonja and Tanner - 05/07/99 13:43:20
My Email:marciat@home.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Canada
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: my girls do
Do you have a pet?: 2 dogs, Sophie and Sally

Have a wonderful birthday!!!

Tonya Birchler - 05/07/99 12:35:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/8499/
My Email:muppet@egyptian.net
Which state or country do you live in?: IL
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: June does!
What kind of things do you like to do?: Computer
Do you have a pet?: Yes 2 dogs one cat lots of chickens!


Annie Julie - 05/07/99 12:35:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9129/
My Email:goodtobesaved@bellsouth.net
Which state or country do you live in?: Florida
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: not any more
What kind of things do you like to do?: read my Bible, take walks on beach, play on the computer
Do you have a pet?: no

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVIE KAY! I am sorry that I can't be there so spend the day with you! I can't believe your sooo big now...are you tall enough to beat Andrew up yet?? LOL J/K Looks like Grandma did a great job on your webpage, hope you get lots of visitors.. Maybe over the summer we can chat on icq, since I will be out of Bible school for a few months, do you have your own icq number like Andrew? Well write Annie once in a while at my address above. Have a great weekend, I Love you Stevie! =) Annie

Beth - 05/07/99 11:29:15
My Email:sixthborn@excite.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Illinois
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no
Do you have a pet?: yes

Happy Birthday!! hope its a great one.!

Kim Mathews - 05/07/99 09:44:10
My URL:/Athens/Atlantis/2899/
My Email:KMathews
Which state or country do you live in?: KY/USA
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: I used to!
What kind of things do you like to do?: Playing with my 1 year old son, reading, crocheting blankets and meeting new friends.
Do you have a pet?: Yes, 2 cats, named Emperor and Dutch Kitty.

I juat wanted to say that I hope that you have a wonderful 9th Birthday!

Kim Mathews - 05/07/99 09:36:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/2899/
My Email:KMathews3@yahoo.com
Which state or country do you live in?: KY/USA
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: No
What kind of things do you like to do?: I like to collect unicorns.
Do you have a pet?: Yes, 2 cats

I know that your grandma is going to do a wonderful job on your page and that when she is done with it you will have a wonderful place to play with your friends.

The Overwise Family - 05/07/99 08:08:23
My Email:boverw@balista.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Texas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: Nicole does
What kind of things do you like to do?: everything
Do you have a pet?: Yes

Happy Birthday Stevie! Love, Brian, Diane, Nicole, Michael, Jessica, & Tina

MISTY - 05/07/99 07:40:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3209
My Email:misty1@cswnet.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Russellville, Arkansas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: Yes for my Granddaughter
What kind of things do you like to do?: Play with my Granddaughter
Do you have a pet?: yes a dog

I consider this a great honor to sign a guest book for a grandchild. I have a granddaughter that will be 7 years old in July. We grandmothers think there is nothing to compare with our grandchildren. You have a beautiful page here and I know you will e joy it.

Sandy - 05/07/99 07:32:16
My Email:slm_98@hotmail.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Canada
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no, but I wish I did.
What kind of things do you like to do?: read, listen to music, sing, spend time with my friends and family, make people smile.
Do you have a pet?: yes, a hampster named Fuzzy and a kitten named Simba

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy 9th Birthday Stevie Kay, Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you have a very happy year. Your homepage is so pretty and so much fun to visit, I will come back and visit it again. Your Grandmother has done a terrific job. God Bless to you all!!

Mary Rendon - 05/07/99 07:32:06
My Email:dmrendon@ktc.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Texas
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: no
What kind of things do you like to do?: cake decorating
Do you have a pet?: two dogs named honey and porkchops

Happy Birthday to Miss stevie. Hope all your dreams come true. Have fun on this special day.

Grandma - 05/07/99 07:20:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9450
My Email:snogirl@geocities.com
Which state or country do you live in?: Washington
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: I used to.
What kind of things do you like to do?: Making web pages for my Grandkids and making graphics.
Do you have a pet?: Yes, a house rabbit named Snuggle E. Bunny

I hope you like your Birhday present. Happy Birthday Little Miss Stevie.

MOM - 05/07/99 03:48:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8950
Which state or country do you live in?: Wash
Do you collect Barbie dolls too?: yes
What kind of things do you like to do?: YOU
Do you have a pet?: your bunnie

I love you baby doll!!!! Happy birthday hope you had a great day and liked your rollerblades!!! Love Mom

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