SMS Unique Award

SMS Stands for Sun, Moon and Stars. The unique Award is an award for sites that are different from all the others. You may apply for this award but I am also giving it out to sites I've visited that meet the criteria which are as follows:

  1. The site must be UNIQUE. Something I've not seen before, not in design but in content. If your site is like one of the winners, you will not be awarded.

  2. Site must be family friendly. I think we all know what that means.

  3. If I need to be a member to see more than 30% of your site, I'm sorry but you will not be awarded. I must be able to accurately review your site.

  4. This award is about content, not design so you don't need to be a professional at webdesign. Templates are fine, websets from other people are fine but there are a few web design things that must be in place to get this award:

  • All graphics and websets must be linked properly to where you got them from and you must be using them with permission. I will not tolerate stealing.

  • It must be navigable. If I can't find my way through your site or I get lost, you won't be getting the award.

  • I understand if you have one or two broken links or images, but most things must be working.

Unlike most awards, it is not a requirement that you link back to me although I would much appreciate it. After all, your site is unique whether you link back or not right?


If you want to apply for the award, send me an email with the button below. Be sure to include your FULL url (with http://). You will ONLY be contacted if your site is awarded. If after about 2 weeks you hear nothing, I'm sorry but your site was not chosen. This doesn't mean you have a bad site, but just that you didn't fit my idea of unique. I am just one person so go out there and try for another award!
