Babysitting and Child Care

I've always loved caring for kids. I babysat as a teen and young adult and had my own children at 21 and 23. I've helped out with Girl Guides since I was 6 and am still a leader now.

Babysitting Links

Babysitting: A guide for Sitters - from Mesa Arizona, just has the basics
Babysitting Basics - from
Babysitting Activities - fun stuff to do with the kids
SafeSitter - an organization dedicated to teaching babysitters, has a neat survey for babysitters each month
Babysitting Activities from SafeSitter
Information and Ideas from SafeSitter
The Babysitters International Club - made by young teens, doesn't have much but has some good forms to use
Guide for Babysitters - from Children's Safety Zone, just the basics
Babysitting Tips - from Diabetes Care, simple
Online Babysitting Class - not free, but looks good

Child Care Links