~*Don't forget to sign my Guestbook!*~

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 01:24:38
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 18:07:51
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 02:10:40
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 20:30:27
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Kimberle - 01/12/99 23:43:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/orion/2191/index.html
My Email:kimberle5@angelfire.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Def Leppard
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): a faerie. :)
What can I do to improve my page? :): Your page is great!
Hi! Wanted to look around your page. Good job! Good luck in the Site Fights!

Fairy Stargazer - 01/12/99 05:39:36
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:kel@mars.junctionnet.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Amy Sky
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): reincarnated
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 15/f/canada

While the moon is cast its pale light
onto the earth below
the spirit of the night shines bright
and dreams coming to life.
A magic like no other,
where hopes and dreams do bloom
in the hearts of everyone.

Flying through the night
under the twinkling stars above,
one fairy watches over the dreams
and spreads spirit to those who sleep.
She is Fairy Stargazer,
a dream-weaver at heart.
And has one small message for you:

"I wish you lucky and happiness,
I wish the spirit to you.
And all through your fighting
have fun and be merry, for
dreams really do come true..."

Nan - 01/11/99 19:26:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Island/9928
My Email:shoozew@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): B.Streisand
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Angel
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): f/m
What can I do to improve my page? :): I love it like it is..
Hi Pigtail, stopped on in, since were on the same team in the new fights..Go Shout it out? I have voted for you in the fights..

Wee One Nibbles - 01/07/99 20:54:06
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
You have been fairy dusted by Wee One Nibbles!!

Wee One Nibbles - 01/07/99 20:50:27
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
Hi there!! This is Bunny Hopper/Wee One Nibbles!! I think your website is great!!

Nan - 01/05/99 18:42:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Island/9928/
My Email:shoozew@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Barbrara Striesand
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): An Angel
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): f/m
What can I do to improve my page? :): Its Great Now!
Hi Pigtail, I am a new Dabunny I am voting for you hope you win, you page is delightful..please come see my page, and vote for me also.Thanks.Nan

Faerie_Dancer - 01/05/99 06:46:34
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/DFairy.html
My Email:faerie_dancer01@yahoo.com
What can I do to improve my page? :): not a thing!

*~*Sprinkle*~* *~*Sprinkle*~*

Faerie_Dancer came a dustin'
Cause this page has spirit a bustin'
So keep up all those cheers
SHOUT IT OUT for all to hear!

Keep up the wonderful spirit and good luck!

Faerie_Dancer - 01/05/99 06:43:34
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/DFairy.html
My Email:faerie_dancer01@yahoo.com
What can I do to improve my page? :): not a thing!

*~*Sprinkle*~* *~*Sprinkle*~*

Faerie_Dancer came a dustin'
Cause this page has spirit a bustin'
So keep up all those cheers
SHOUT IT OUT for all to hear!

Keep up the wonderful spirit and good luck!

Wee One Angel - 01/03/99 22:25:09
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:snowzbunny@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): All Saints
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): A Bunny :-)
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/fairy realm
What can I do to improve my page? :): Well, it's perfect!

You have been sprinkled!

I flew here to check your spirit
And my you have a ton.
But please Post it
so all can hear it
at Shout it Out
And join the fun and laughter!
Best of luck on Dabunnies!

Please pass on your spirit!

Check out the other teams too!

~*~Wee One Angel ~*~

~*~Sprinkle~*~ ~*~Tickle~*~ ~*~Hugs~*

Molly - 01/02/99 21:22:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Coast/2009
My Email:daydream@accs.net
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Beatles
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): After life? I'll go to heaven.
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/IN
What can I do to improve my page? :): Make an all about me section, put the guestbook up with your links, and take the pictures and everything else that is down below and move them up.
So I just added all of my comments up there in the last question....So there's nothing to write here. It looks nice, keep up the good work. : )

Fairy Whispers - 01/02/99 03:49:59
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:FairyWhispers@yahoo.com
~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Far away in the Distance
a faint tiny light flickers
back and forth
As it gets closer and closer
a small fairy appears.
"Why hello there my friend"
a tiny voice whispers
"So you're in The Site Fights, you say?"
"Well, Good luck to you in all that you do
And I encourage you to SHOUT IT OUT with all your might.
As quick as she appeared,
the fairy is gone, but she left behind
a dusting of her special fairy dust!

Angel Blessing - 12/31/98 03:50:23
My Email:maryh@hotmail.com
I would love to Vote For You
Angels Blessings

Midnight - 12/27/98 07:07:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/midnightraven/index.html
My Email:midnightraven@angelfire.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Nirvana
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Spandex
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 15/f blonde hair , blue eyes
What can I do to improve my page? :): Well....you know this and that...but more of this than that...but don't leave out the that because the that is essential...but more this because it needs a little more this....but don't leave out the that....ok y..I'm going to shut up now.
Cool page ! Keep it sparkling......

Fairynurse - 12/26/98 13:38:37
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
sprinkle...fairy dust....sprinkle
Here's a little fairy dust
showing you good cheer
May it bring you good luck,
Now, and throughout the year!

Happy Holidays, From Fairynurse

alex - 12/24/98 03:03:31
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/deadhead/555/index.htm
My Email:alexs_place@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): the living end, green day, the offspring
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): myself
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): fifteen/female/australia
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing...it rulz
well...i'm not sure what to write. i've visited your page a few times and it looks great. i've updated mine so please visit! keep the great work up...

~*~ Fairy Charisma ~*~ - 12/21/98 21:45:13
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/dfairy.html
My Email:fairycharisma@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): 98 Degrees
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Famous
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 100/female/The site fights
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's great!

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Fairy Charisma is dusting your site
With all her strength, and all her might
She dusts all day, and dusts all night
Hoping that you will fight fight FIGHT!!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year
I hope to get you in the spirit
And have a happy holiday with your family dear
Here is a spirit stick to put you in the mood
Pass it on and spread the christmas spirit!

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Wee One Pixi Dust - 12/17/98 06:49:01
My URL:http://surf.to/SyCoGRL
My Email:SyCoGrL@gurlmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Divine
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 12/f/ca
~*~ Spr ink le~ *~ ~*~ Spr ink le~ *~
~*~ Dus t~* ~~*~D
us t~*~
~*~ Pla yi ng§ is§ a§ mus t~*~

Wee One Pixi Dust has come to say,
I love your page and now can we play?
With all the colors, pictures, and more,
You have surely set this page ashore!
Thanks for sharing your page it's Great!
Now can you be my play mate!?
Dont forget to shout it out at the site fights!

Maybe we can exchange votes!! SHOUT IT OUT!

~*~ Spr ink le~ *~ ~*~ Spr ink le~ *~
~*~ Dus t~* ~~*~Dus t~*~
~*~ Pla yi ng§ is§ a§ mus t~*~

Faerie_Dancer - 12/15/98 05:20:09
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:faerie_dancer01@yahoo.com
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's great!

I danced upon your page today
Leaving some christmas faerie dust on my way
You have that fighting spirit going strong
You know you can't go wrong
So come along and give that cheer
SHOUT IT OUT for all to hear!
Shout it loud, and shout it clear
Let everyone know from far and near.

Good luck this week...pass along this spirit stick for fun and friendship

~*Wee One Starlight*~ - 12/11/98 21:51:48
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/DFairy.html
My Email:CaptCatie@gurlmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Beats Me!
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Angel
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): F/NY
What can I do to improve my page? :): Nothing :-)




le~ *~

I am Wee one Starlight

I love all the sprit you put in your page!

I wish you all the luck in the site fights!

*~Wee One Starlight~*

*~ spr



Faerie_Dancer - 12/08/98 05:30:52
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:faerie_dancer01@yahoo.com
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's great!

Here is some christmas dust for all your spirit
Come and give a cheer for all to see it
SHOUT IT OUT for all to see
Show them what spirit is suppose to be
I know you can do it with all your mite
Because you have a winning site!

Pass along this spirit stick for good luck and friendship....Good luck this week!

Chibi - 12/04/98 04:38:42
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:chibisaturn@cableregina.com


Christmas time is rolling around, time to spread the cheer, hope you do well in the site fights this year. I hope to see you bright and happy, with no doubt. So take some cheers and Shout them out!!!

~*~*~You've been Sprinkled by Wee One Chibi~*~*~

Faerie_Dancer - 12/01/98 06:27:44
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/faires/Dfairy.html
My Email:faerie_dancer01@yahoo.com
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's a great page!

*~*Sprinkle*~* *~*Sprinkle*~*

I've danced upon your page today

And here is what I have to say

I find this page so full of spirit

Can't help but leave faerie dust upon it

And as I dance around

I see fighting spirit abound

I'll leave you with this spirit stick

It's magic, and will bring fun and friendship

So come on and make a cheer

SHOUT IT OUT for all to hear

Good luck this week in the fights---have some fun and make new friendships

*Kacie* - 12/01/98 04:05:11
My URL:/TheTropics/Island/9005/index.html
My Email:kandy11@gurlmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): BSB savage garden n`sync
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): not sure
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/Minnesota
What can I do to improve my page? :): Its great! don't do a thing!
Hey Joe! Thnx for signing my gbook and coming to my page....I checked out my "link me" page and it looked ok to me but I did change one little thing so i think you will be able to see what i wrote...so could you go see if you can see it 4 me? that would b great =) well talk to you later chic!

Maria - 11/26/98 18:50:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/9304/

Crystal - 11/22/98 20:01:31
My URL:http://come.to/imajinthis
My Email:McD352000@aol.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Imajin
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing, it's great the way it is
Cool page! Keep up the good work.

*Fairy Charisma* - 11/18/98 02:57:05
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dfairies/drealm.htm
My Email:fairycharisma@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Britney Spears
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): An Angel
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/Canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): It's great the way it is now~!

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Fairy Charisma is dusting your site
With all her strength, and all her might
She dusts all day, and dusts all night
Hoping that you will fight fight FIGHT!!

Everywhere we go!
Everyone we see!
People always ask us!
Who we might be!
So we tell them
Mighty mighy DaBunnies!
And if you can't hear us
We'll shout a little louder!

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Piggybabe - 11/16/98 05:33:51
My URL:http://piggybabe.cjb.net
My Email:piggybabe84@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Celine Dion, The Corrs
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Erm...dunno
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 14/f/Singapore
What can I do to improve my page? :): Add more original content...
Great and interesting page you've got here! Keep up the good work! Do drop by mine! Don't forget to sign my guestbook too!

Kevin - 11/14/98 19:42:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/5140
My Email:BeanieKidz@hotmail.com
This is Wee Little Fearless One,
Stopping to give you a cheer,
To wish you great luck and spirit,
To become a great seer

To make it to the dome...
I strongly recommend
To visit the Vote Exchange
To make it to the end...

There you will pick up friends,
Who will support you to the dome
So get out there,
Don't be a shy little knome...

Wishing your site the best of luck...
I ask you to vote for me
In the Warzone, round four of five.
Cause I went to the Vote Exchange as you can see.

There I picked up 279 supporters.
So make this place your next stop,
I do acknowledge this place
Will Get you to the top~!

Wishing you the best of luck...

Wee Little Fearless One~!

Julie - 11/11/98 20:17:57
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Jewel
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Vet
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): Jewel
What can I do to improve my page? :): Nonin

Fairy D'KittyPurrfect - 11/09/98 14:07:50
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:loree1@geocities.com


Fairy D'KittyPurrfect has paw and purred all through the net until she stratched upon this site packed full of:



and ~*S~*P~*I~*R~*I~*T

She rested her weary paws and out fell some fairy dust, to give you a meowy boast of spirit to spread among your fellow fighters

She is also here to give your site a ~*S~*P~*I~*R~*I~*T Check and liked what she saw; reminding you to post those cheers in SHOUT IT OUT!!!

Here is a spirit stick to pass along

And of course she leaves one for you

And with a purr and a scratch she flies from your site leaving behind some ~*S~*P~*I~*R~*I~*T~* Just for you


*Wee One Serenity* - 11/05/98 03:54:10
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/DFairies/index.html
My Email:weeoneserenity@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): i have too many!
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): a superhero
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 15/f/Canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): It's great as it is!

*sprinkle sprinkle*
Wee One Serenity has sprinkled your site with good luck

Good luck in the site fights. Here is a little cheer to spread the spirit

Sniff.. Sniff..
Crunch... Crunch
Who's that bunny eating lunch?
Hop.. Hop..
Bounce... Bounce
Eating a little snack
Waiting to pounce
The bunnies are here!
Ready to fight
Giving it all they can
With all their might!!
It's DaBunnies!!!!!!
Let's spread the spirit for DA BUNNIES!!

Pass the spirit stick for spirit in the Site Fights!

Truffle - 11/02/98 08:22:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Truffle/
My Email:magpie@wf.net
Hello, I got your site url from the vote exchange at TheSiteFights, thought I'd check out your page ;)))) and leave a spirit stick and dusting wand for ya. Hope we can be voting exchange partners, and best of luck to you n all you do!!!
 Welcome to Truff's Stuff
Passed on to you by Truffle
Passed to you by Truffle

Wee One Bubblie - 11/01/98 22:19:32
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:IcyCloud9@aol.com

Wee One Bubblie saw your site
Took a wand of fairy light
Sprinkled your page to make it more bright
And said "I wish you luck to win the fights !"

Hi, this is Wee One Bubblie from DaBunnies ! I’m here to sprinkle your site with fairy dust and spread some cheer ! Goodbye and good luck in the Site Fights ! ~*~sprinkle~*~

Kim - 11/01/98 15:50:55
My URL:http://expage.com/page/kimswonderfulhomepage
My Email:kak2384@aol.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Dave Matthews, Sarah McLauglin
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): butterfly
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): single (by choice of course!)
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing much
Great page!!! Check out mine sometime!!

Kathy Bennett - 11/01/98 06:53:17
My URL:http://circletime.com
My Email:kbennett@circletime.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): WAY before your time, but it's The Police
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): part of the heavenly chorus
What can I do to improve my page? :): post your own story or poem!
Good luck in the site Fights! I'd like to support you. Please send me your voting URL so I can add you to my master list. Also, please visit my page, and if you like it, vote for me.

Rebecca - 10/31/98 12:58:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5878/
My Email:prokid@geocities.com
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 12/f/(l??)
What can I do to improve my page? :): Nothing.. it looks just GREAT!
Hi! GREAT page you have here! Keep up the good work. ^_^ Visit mine if you have the time. (I know it's a lil' childish, 'cos I'm very childish hehe) I'd check back soon! Btw, good luck in the fights.

Scarlett - 10/29/98 03:35:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/9836/page2.html
My Email:ladybug1@se-tel.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Soundgarden
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): An Angel :-)
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/Female
You have a nice page. Please check out my page and P L E A S E sign my guestbook. :-)

Spirit Merry - 10/26/98 00:18:33
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:spirit.merry@usa.net

http://members.spree.com/maryliz/barsprkl.gif (1132 bytes)


Good luck this week in your trek through the fights!

Have great fun and keep up your site!

I know you'll do great! I hope you do too!

That's why I came to visit you!

Make friends! Have fun!

And don't forget to visit even after your done!

Here's a gift!

http://members.spree.com/maryliz/spirit_stick(2).gif (1130 bytes)

Help it out! Gift it a lift

to another great guestbook!

http://members.spree.com/maryliz/sunnywishes.gif (2852 bytes)

http://members.spree.com/maryliz/merrys.gif (7859 bytes)


http://members.spree.com/maryliz/barsprkl.gif (1132 bytes)

Lori - 10/25/98 16:26:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2736
My Email:loree2@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Bon Jovi
What can I do to improve my page? :): Your page is great! Just keep up the excellant work
What an awesome page!!! I am totally impressed I want to wish you the best of luck in the site fights. I would like to exchange votes with you so stop by my page and email me if you would like to A little something for you

Spirit Dove - 10/25/98 12:20:34
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:pan12e@alaska.net
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Michael Bolton

~~~~Sprinkling Spirit Upon You~~~~ Spirit Dove Has Flown By Your Wonderful Web Home Today, To Spread The Spirit, And To Wish You Good Luck In The Fights This Week. If There Is Ever Anything I Or The Other Spirits Might Do, Please Let Us Know As We At The Realm Of DSpirit Are Always Here For You..



Lift your Voices, Shout Up High;

The Time Has Come For You To Fly,

Bound In Kinship, Lift Your Spirit;

One In Friendship, Shout Out; Lets Hear It!!

Friendship, And Fun Is What It's All About

So Post Your Cheers In Shout It Out!!



The Spirit of the Site Fights, Is something quite unique;

It is felt, and shared by many, And it is always seen.

Every team honors it, And holds it dear to their heart,

They help it grow, Because they know; Each must do their part.

So please feel free, to join with us and sing the Spirit song;

We all must sing, and share the joy, to keep the Spirit Strong!

Visit DEssence Of Spirit Dove

Spirit Amelia - 10/23/98 07:02:37
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof
My Email:rose@ruralnet.net.au
What's ur fave band/singer? :): The Living End
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): A cat
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 14/f/Australia
We don't like SPIRIT!
Oh no!
We LOVE it!

Spirit here, spirit there
Spreading spirit everywhere!
Twinkling, twinkling as it falls
Can you hear our Spirit calls?

And hand in hand we come
To spread the spirit cheer
Our little tune we hum
What a ~spirited~ time of year!

____________-Spirit Amelia-


Spirit Jeff - 10/21/98 20:31:51
My URL:http://thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:tazmanian@cheerful.com
Hello. You have been visited by I am here to enlight you with the spirit of cheering. I wish you well and don't forget to "Shout It Out!!"

Spirit SIlverflame - 10/21/98 00:29:56
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof
My Email:spirit_silverflame@mailexcite.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Jethro Tull
*S** **R**I**N**K**L**E**!*
You have been sprinkled by:



A fiery Essense has come your way
To ignite the Spark of the Spirit
A Spirinkling of Dust to make your day
And to spread joy to all that's near it!


If whenever you're about
Post a cheer at Shout it Out!


I must now leave
your won'drous site
But I leave my spirit,
and good luck in the Fights!


~*~Spirit Silvereyes~*~ - 10/20/98 23:04:25
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:Riatha@hotmail.com


Spirited Greetings to thee and Blessed Be!
I am Spirit Silvereyes from DRealm of DSpirits at the Site Fights
I am here to help spread Spirit and show what DEssence of Spirit really is...
Below is a very special and magickal SPIRIT STICK just for thee...

Feel free to pass it to others to show thy spirit!!!
Don't forget to SHOUT IT OUT! and support thy team!!!

What does Spirit mean to me?

It is the very essence of the dream...
It is the door as well as the key...
It's at the center of everything...
And rest in every Site Fights team...
It is the hope that pushes us all the way...
And the will to keep trying every day...
It is the ends as well as the means...
So show thy Spirit... Please... for me!

By ~*~Spirit Silvereyes~*~

Good luck in thy fight!!!

Spirit Cuddly Jo - 10/20/98 11:49:24
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:hxxa@usa.net

How are you
How do you do

I'm Spirit Cuddly Jo
And I'm here to say Hello
With a nice warm cuddle
I'm so glad to be here
Here's for you a special cheer

Show your spirit
Show your pride
Are you ready
Let's go
Let's cheer
Shout It Out

You have my blessings
You have my best wishes
Good Luck in the
Site Fights
Bid the fun and loving spirit stay
Pass the spirit stick along

Do come and visit us
DRealm of DSpirit


Spirit Katrina - 10/20/98 00:26:18
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:katskeep@geocities.com
Shout it Out

Cheer With Me!
Bring on your cheers
And shout it out with me!
It's not hard to make cheers
You'll learn quickly!

And if you really need help
That's what I'm here for
Or anything else spirit
Like pages - and more!

We need some cheers
So c'mon everyone
And fly over with me..
Join in the fun!

If you need help with your spirit, drop by the Spirits homepage and fill out our form! We have a great team of Spirits, and any of them would be happy to kee your spirit high!

DEssence of Katrina

Wee One MissTiff - 10/12/98 00:22:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/3557/index.html
My Email:moonhaze@tds.net
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Xscape
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): HUMMM I would have to think on that
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 17/f/DFairyRealm
What can I do to improve my page? :): Its good already!
Wee one page

~~**~~ Spirit of the Fight~~**~~

I am hear to spread the spirit of the fight!!
I came here to check out your site!!
What I see here is Very Nice
I was here looking for spirit and found alot!!
Here is a present for you !!

Pass the spirit stick around to share the Spiri !!

Good Luck!!

Don't forget to Cheer at Shout it Out!!

**You have been Sprinkled By:Wee One MissTiff!**

..::Christy::.. - 10/10/98 12:15:09
My URL:/SouthBeach/Strand/8375
My Email:amethyst187@hotmail.com
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/canada


thanks a bunch for visiting my page and signing my guestbook! :) i really like your page, there's so much to look at! :)

~..::*Christy aka Amethyst*::..~

..:: - 10/10/98 12:13:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Strand/8375

Lady Echooo - 09/29/98 13:07:43
My URL:http://fly.to/LadyEchooo
My Email:FairyEcho@aol.com

Lady Echooo
Stopping by
To Wish

t e best of LUCK
this week

with DaBunnies!!

DaBunnies Good Luck Banner

My Best Wishes,
from Dabunnies Head Fairy
Lady Echooo

Have Fun! !

Jenny - 09/28/98 21:24:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/jennysgym/index.html
My Email:maitland_michelle@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Varies
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): RICH
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): f/27/
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing it's great!
Hey your page is really cool! You've really done a good job, keep it up! ~Jenny

Linz - 09/25/98 00:50:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LGL525/mypage2.html
My Email:LGL525@aol.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Chris Issak
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): happy
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/chicago
What can I do to improve my page? :): I like it =)
Hiya! I have come to thank you for dusting me, and for your compliments on my site. I love yours as well!!! ~Linz

CitrusFlower - 09/16/98 07:47:46
My URL:http://eccentrica.org/liquidice
My Email:citrusflower@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Ben Folds Five, Smashing Pumpkins, Our Lady Peace
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): another person, but I would remember this life
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 15/f/Australia
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's cool already!
great page, keep it up!

Kid - 09/16/98 00:20:41
My URL:http://www.cyberjunkie.com/the_kid
My Email:the_kid@cyberjunkie.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): The Tragically Hip
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): -?-
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 20 year old male from Ontario, Canada!
What can I do to improve my page? :): -?-
Nice looking page! Keep up the great work

Ulrich Leive - 09/15/98 14:25:38
My URL:http://www.kulturserver.de/home/ULeive
My Email:uleive@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Deep Purple (of the early 70's)
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): hope this one will last a while
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): ??????
What can I do to improve my page? :): can't tell
Hi, nice to meet you on the web just by surfing. It was very interesting to stay here. By the way, I'm a painter, and I'd like you to visit my own homepage and drop a line in my guestbook, please. Best wishes!

Alex - 09/14/98 04:30:35
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/deadhead/555/index.htm
My Email:alexs_place@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Green Day
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Myself
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 15/F/Oz
What can I do to improve my page? :): Nothing-It rulz!
Filth page,....it definatley deserves my award!

Sarah - 09/11/98 12:44:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/3695
My Email:xphle_98@2-cool.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Goo Goo Dolls
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): cat
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): f/12
What can I do to improve my page? :): Links
I LoVe your page. It is so good! I wish my page was like this.

Kim - 09/10/98 20:55:44
My URL:http://www.eccentrica.org/pigtails
My Email:adidaspigtails@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Spicegirls
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): I don't know
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing. It's great as it is!
Hey. Thanks for signing my guestbook. What a cool page!

Sarah - 09/06/98 22:06:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/Sarahrah99
My Email:rah99@juno.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): puff daddy
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): a butterfly
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/illinois
What can I do to improve my page? :): maybe if you have a scanner pics of you and your friends
hey cool page! thanks for dropping by mine and signing the guestbook!

Lauren - 09/05/98 02:26:44
My URL:http://welcome.to/mydollhouse
My Email:star13_97_97@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Dave Matthews Band, Sarah MacLachlan, Wyclef Jean & Chantal Kreviazuk
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): reincarnated
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/CT
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing, it's fab
Great page, Piglet! keep up the good work and thanks for signing my gbookie. Lauren

~*gidget*~ - 09/04/98 01:46:54
My URL:http://i.am/skier.chic
My Email:gidget00_69@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Bob Marley
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 16/f/ohio
good job on your page...even though it's under construction right now

Midnight Fury - 09/04/98 00:10:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SaturnCyan/Ice.html
My Email:midnightfury@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Meat Loaf
What can I do to improve my page? :): MIDIs!! =)
Very cute page! =)

Michelle - 09/03/98 13:56:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/mamicanahome
What can I do to improve my page? :): MIDI
Hi , I like you page real much , keep up your good work

Purple Princess - 08/31/98 20:08:42
Sorry for the mix-up. Summer is my sister site, the 53 is my site that I co-own with Summer. :-)

Purple Princess - 08/31/98 20:02:58
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/9844/
What's ur fave band/singer? :): you really wanna know?
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): good soul
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): i have no idea what you're talking about!
What can I do to improve my page? :): make up a game!!!
Hello. Nice site! Did you make the norns like the certain music groups? Cool. Well, keep up the good work!

My main site.

Another one of my sites.

My sister site

Meg - 08/26/98 15:05:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/7231
My Email:megvontrapp@yahoo.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): ??
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): I want to be a hotel manager when I grow up??
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's cool
I like your page. It's looking really neat! keep it pu! I'll be back.

Woozle - 08/24/98 03:12:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ColbyGirl/index.html
My Email:colbygirl@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): The Beatles
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): whatever
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/Canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): stuff
Hey, it's Kristen again! I still like ur page! I just came to say that I have a new page (I still have my old one as well) Too bad the scrawlwall doesn't work!

Woozle - 08/24/98 03:11:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ColbyGirl/index.html
My Email:Woozle's Land of..Stuff
What's ur fave band/singer? :): The Beatles
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): whatever
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/Canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): stuff
Hey, it's Kristen again! I still like ur page! I just came to say that I have a new page (I still have my old one as well) Too bad the scrawlwall doesn't work!

Mallory - 08/22/98 20:13:40
My URL:http://expage.com/page/malloryspage
My Email:lwcjr@ibm.net
mailbox:/C%7C/Program%20Files/Netscape/Navigator/mail/Inbox?id=21a87c2d.35de00b7@aol.com&number=235&part=1.2 HI nice page thought you needed an award he he

Fancy Free - 08/21/98 21:03:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/nornhaven/index.html
My Email:bjfancyfree@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): The Beatles!
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): a horse or a cat or maybe me again
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/canada
What can I do to improve my page? :): keep updating and stuff
Hi, me again! I love your new page. Too bad I couldn't see you when you were here. I'll send your little present by snail-mail with lots of packaging! :o)

Mallory - 08/20/98 14:32:16
My URL:http://expage.com/page/sparckleclub
My Email:lwcjr@ibm.net
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): huh
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 12/F
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing its GREAT
Hey thanks for coming to my page and i really like yous can't wait untill the constuction is done

Anna - 08/16/98 04:56:42
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/evesdropper/
My Email:gadzooks16@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): I dunno
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Scientist/Writer
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 11/AZ
What can I do to improve my page? :): Not much, it rocks!!!
Thanks for coming to my page! Yours rocks too!

Habibah - 08/14/98 13:33:24
My URL:http://expage.com/page/habibah
My Email:habibah32@hotmail.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): 5ive
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): Hey whats that?!
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 12/f/Malaysia
What can I do to improve my page? :): Well put some little cute pics here and there to spiff things up a bit. Anyway your page is really good now actually!
Hey there!! I simply adore your site!!!!!! Keep it up and *smile!* Luv ya! :=)

Audrey - 08/12/98 01:26:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Hippych84/index.html
My Email:Hippych84@aol.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Pearl Jam
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): ummmm an angel?
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): i have no idea what this is soo.....
What can I do to improve my page? :): it's all good.....
Hey very cool page! Thanks so much for visiting mine... come back to it anytime! bye!! AV

Eliot - 08/11/98 00:22:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/eliot8
My Email:eliot@home.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Beastie Boys
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): nothing
What can I do to improve my page? :): nothing its great

Great Site!

I surfed in on someone elses guestbook
Please visit my site when you get time! Thanks!
Eliots Fantastic Web Page!!; Please Visit

Kacie - 07/18/98 02:50:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Kacie_3/cle.html
My Email:kaciecleveland@mailexcite.com
What's ur fave band/singer? :): Savage Garden and the BSB
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): i wanna be a fox
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 13/f/minnesota
What can I do to improve my page? :): try getting a scrawl wall like i have on my page! they are cool!
This is a cool page...i will change your old address to this one asap! bye buddy! oh, and have fun at the Savage Garden Concert!!

Mari - 07/17/98 22:46:31
What's ur fave band/singer? :): BSB!!!!!
What do u wanna be in ur after life? :): a indoor cat (they're spoiled!)
Stats? (as in a/s/l) :): 14/f
What can I do to improve my page? :): more stuff to do!
good so far, keep up the great work... talk to ya on ICQ!

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