Pigtail's Place Poems and stories

Pigtail's Place Poems and stories

This page is dedicated to the talented writters that chose to submit their work to my Poems and Stories section... I only have one now, But I'm REALLY looking for some more! Send them to me! I'm not exactly the Gratest poet, but maybe one day you'll find something I wrote here... Never know!!! Anyways, send in your poems or short stories soon! Thanx! **Pigtail**

Lovely Lily

Wandering through the land where I lived when I was a child, Past the pond, where I would swim, and past the forest, big and wild, Then I spot it - just a tree, with some words carved in so deeply, Which say 'This tree is mine! I love you, Lily!'

Tears well up in my eyes, as I recall the lovely filly, My best friend through my youth - and the angels named her Lily. But then cancer struck - it tore through her, like a demon out of hell, Oh, my poor, beloved Lily, who took care of me so well.

As I think of the adventures, all the memories we shared, Until this beast entered our lives, this monster had me pretty scared, You were thinner than was healthy, there was sorrow in your eye, So I knew the time had come, Lily, I had to say goodbye.

As I look a moment more, at this tree I called my own, In the land which, long ago, I liked to call my home sweet home, I gaze up towards the sky, teary-eyed, I softly say, Oh, precious, lovely, Lily, I'm coming home someday.

Written by Fancy Free

Along the beach,

there is soft, cool sand.

Out on the lake,

the water is calm and still.

Beneath the surface of the lake,

there are fish swimming.

The cattails are waving

in the gentle breeze.

Above in the heavens,

there are twinkling stars

Who watch everything below.

Written by Kacie