Squealer's Jokes and Comics
Q- Why did Batty give Spooky a band-aid?
A- Because he had a Boo-boo!
Q- Where do Bessie and Daisy go on Saturday nights?
A- To the moo-vies!
Q- What is Slither's favorite subject in school?
A- Hiss-tory!
Q- What is Leg's favorite drink?
A- Diet Croak!
Q- How does Spot stop his VCR?
A- He hits the paws button!
Q- What does Nip eat for breakfast?
A- Mice Krispees!
Q- What do you get when you cross Squealer and a karate expert?
A- A porkchop!
Q- What do you call Hippity, Hoppity and Floppity all jumping backwards?
A- A receding hare-line!
Q- What do you get when you cross Ears and Spinner?
A- A hare-net!
Q- Why couldn't Derby talk?
A- He was a little horse!
Q- Why does Pouch hate rainy days?
A- The kids have to play inside!
Q- Why did Speedy cross the road?
A- To get to the Shell station!
Q- Where does Fleece get her hair cut?
A- At the baa-baa shop!
Q- Why does Chocolate lift weights?
A- To get bigger moose-les!
Q- How do you get Spike to stop charging?
A- Take away his credit card!
Q- What did Chilly say to Waddles?
A- Have an ice day!
Q- Why does Quackers fly south for the winter?
A- It's too far to walk!
More to come soon!! Please e-mail me your jokes and comics!
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