November Saints

       John Berchmans
John Berchmans was born at Diest, Brabant on the thirteenth of March in the year 1599. His parents watched over the formation of his character. As a child he stayed close to his sick mother. Johns' favorite thing to do was make plays of the Bible with other boys. He was really good at acting. At the age of thirteen he wanted to become a priest. At first his father did not agree to the idea because he was a shoemaker and needed help in supporting the family. His father eventually gave in.

In 1616, he became a Jesuit novice. John was sent to Rome to continue his studies on Philosophy. In 1618, John made his vows in the Society of Jesus. He made a motto: 'Have great care for little things'. He used to say, "If I do not become a saint when I am young, then I shall never become one."

John became sick at the age of twenty-two and no doctor knew what illness he had. He died in 1621. Many miracles happened at his funeral and many people began to call him a saint. Pope Gregory XV canonized him a saint in 1888. We celebrate his feast day November 26th. John Berchmans is patron of Altar Boys and Youth.