Hey there! My name's Sarah. This is my first attempt at a webpage, so you'll have to bear with me. If any of my pix (especially the animated ones) aren't working, try reloading the page. I'm 14 years old and live in Indianapolis, and I have all my life. Really exciting, isn't it! My favorite bands are The Beatles, Southern Culture on the Skids (Dirt Track Date), Bush, the Cranberries, and No Doubt. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I changed my mind before anybody reads this. Sorry I haven't updated my page in a couple of weeks, but we tried installing AOL and it messed up so it wouldn't go on-line without it, either, so I couldn't update it. How's that for a run-on sentence? Mrs. Shadiow would have a fit. Too bad for her! hehehehehehehe. It's summer, and I'm not gonna think about school.
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Here is a list of some of my favorite sites.
Don't bug me, or I'll send my attack monkey after you!! Beware, he's armed.