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Welcome to my homepage!

spotlight award

I won first place...come see how!

Me as an alien! My certificate! Thanks Cols!

gift from Catherine
Catherine, our past liaison, sent me this as a joke,
but I liked it so much I couldn't resist putting it here, lol.
Thanks Catherine for having done such a great job as the EF Liaison for so long!

Hi, I'm your Enchanted Forest Community Leader.
If ya'll ever need help, or you have a question, please e-mail me.
I've set up this page to help you. There are many links to sites to help you.

Need help to start up? Go to my HMTL HELP pages!

Need some graphics? Check these out!

Since this site is for the 5800, 5900, 6000, 9600 and 9700 blocks of the Enchanted Forest/Dell. Those neighbors who are awarded "THE ROYAL NOD" will have their homepage listed here.

Please take time to read the
Enchanted Forest Newsletter.
Keep up-to-date with what's happening in the Enchanted Forest.

Where do you start? Don't understand what everything means?
Here's an easy guide for all those buttons in your file manager.

Are you having a few problems understanding sub-directories? Click here for a short tutorial.

I also am addicted to webrings....wanna take a ride on one of mine??

OH! And I love to celebrate the holidays...do you?
I have quite a collection of pages for and about the different holidays that are special to me. Why not take a peek?

The EF Contests! Come Join in the fun!

Please visit the new EnchantedForest Community Centers!


ef/burb/cc ef/dell/cc ef/glade/cc
ef/cottage/cc ef/tower/cc ef/meadow/cc
ef/palace/cc ef/creek/cc ef/fountain/cc
ef/mountain/cc ef/pond/cc Arbor
Cove Kingdom

send the thought of the day card from greetz.com

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flower The EnchantedForest Awards!

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© 1997 - 2002 efcl_becky
Page Created on 7/30/97
Updated on 6/17/02