Please sign my guest book.

03/04/99 01:56:24
Name: matthew My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: yours Your Favorite song: none Your Favorite Toy: wwf actionfigure
Your Favorite Cartoon: dexters lab Your Favorite TV Show: south park

I hate barney

02/02/99 21:55:38
My URL: Visit Me


11/21/98 05:47:39
Name: daffodil
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very nice site, I enjoyed my visit, and singing along.

10/19/98 20:41:21
Name: B. Gebhard
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/15/98 21:59:52
Name: Kara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Your Favorite song: Waanabe from spicegirls Your Favorite Toy: my computer
Your Favorite Cartoon: men in black the series Your Favorite TV Show: Fresh Prince


07/28/98 17:19:48
My URL: Visit Me


06/23/98 00:00:48
Name: KIBBA AND JAMIE.H. My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite site: BSB AND TELLI TUBBIES
Your Favorite song: TELLI TUBBIE SONG Your Favorite Toy: POE Your Favorite Cartoon: TELLI TUBBIES
Your Favorite TV Show: TELLI TUBBIES


06/22/98 23:59:39
Your Favorite site: BSB AND TELLI TUBBIES Your Favorite song: TELLI TUBBIE SONG


05/26/98 00:49:49
Name: Fairy Chynna
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

~~~***Sprinkle Sprinkle***~~~I'm a spirit fairy for site fights, came by to check your spirit, you've now been fairy dusted, so go post a cheer, LET'S HEAR IT!!~~~***~~~

You've been Dusted
To the Site Fights Page

You've been dusted by Fairy Chynna

05/16/98 17:09:54
Name: _Stormy_Eyes_
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


I'm a dragon making it around to say
Have a little spirit come what may
Make some friends and have some fun
Shine sparkling and bright in the sun
Sets your goals high
and shoot for the sky

Come visit my site:

Vote for my site in the sitefights:

Wanna exchange votes? E-mail me at

Thanks so much!

05/12/98 21:58:03
Name: Fairy Belle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite site: The Site Fights
Your Favorite song: Tale as old as time


Hey there, DContendA!!!
I know the road through The Site Fights and to DMan Dome can be discouraging and tough. I know that there can be many beasts in your way. Always remember that no matter how terrible the beast is, he's always nice underneath! With Fairy Belle on your side, you can conquer any beast and any spell! Just remember to sing a song and know that the tale as old as time is true! We're all friends here! :o) Best of luck to you! And, don't forget to let everyone know you're not afraid and you CAN do it by posting a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! If you are a little bewildered, which I can tell you're not, you can always Adopt a Mascot to keep you company! No matter what you do, I will be here for you! The Beast isn't so bad!! :o) Remember to keep DSpirit alive! Visit the home of your DContendA fairies for help if you need it. Check in with the other fairies at The Realm of the Fairies. You can always email me for help too! Remember, having fun and making friends are what are important here! So, have fun and good luck!

05/09/98 17:15:20
Name: Spirit Sheena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: This one!! Your Favorite song: My Heart Will Go On Your Favorite Toy: My Stuffed Animals!!
Your Favorite Cartoon: Doug Your Favorite TV Show: Sabrina

Hi, there!! Spirit Sheena here!! If you ever need help with your site, email me!!

05/08/98 02:45:51
Name: ~*DEssence of Jenna*~ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Your Favorite song: My Heart Will Go On Your Favorite Toy: Anything stuffed!
Your Favorite Cartoon: Marvin the Martian!!! Your Favorite TV Show: Dharma and Greg


I look upon the world
With a new gaze in my eyes.
I look out among my eyes and beyond my soul.
With these eyes of mine I see
A whole new world
Full of spirit,
And joy!
I wish you luck.....
And much advancing throughout the competition!

DEssence of Jenna from DRealm of DSpirit!

05/08/98 02:15:58
Name: Wee One Enia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite site:
Your Favorite song: BardsDance by Enya Your Favorite Toy: Many!

I believe!!!!
"Come away O human child,
To the waters, and the wild,
With a faery, hand in hand,
'Cause the world is more full of weeping than you
Can Understand"
W. B. Yeats
I love faerie dust!
Faerie dust is good for me!
I put it in fighters guestbooks!
To make them so happy!
I'm a Wee One!
*Spinkle* *Spinkle* *teehehe* An' I have some faerie dust which I'll use to tickle thou!

***Spinkle, sprinkle! Sparkle, sparkle! ****
*** Chime! Chime! Spinkle! Sparkle!!!!!****
With a *sprinkle* and *sparkle* and the *chime* of the enchanted faerie bells
you've been tickle by:
DWee One's Offical Homepage

DRealm of DSpirits
DMines ofDForest
Pass on the spirit stick!
*Wishing you good luck and enchanted times in The Site Fights!*
If you need any help with Site Fights, need help with your spirit page, or want me to make up some cheers for you please e-mail me!

05/07/98 00:42:20
Name: Jill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: The Mouse Pad Your Favorite song: don't have one Your Favorite Toy: My computer :)
Your Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny Your Favorite TV Show: Hey Arnold!

Hi! I love your webpage. I really like the cyber pets too. Please visit mine.

05/06/98 22:11:46
Name: DEssence of Janel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: SiteFights Your Favorite song: You were meant for me-Jewel, Tubthumping-ChumbaWumba, Thinking of You-Hanson Your Favorite Toy: COMPUTER
Your Favorite Cartoon: UHH Your Favorite TV Show: Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Boy meets World


DEssence of Janel has arrived.........

DEssence of Janel is here banging her drum,
Spreading spirit to make you smile and hum!
I’ll lift you up, we’ll soar to the skies!
I’ll lift your spirit, we can fly real high!
Just put your hand in mine!
I’ll put spirit in your mind!
DEssence of Janel is here to brighten your day!
To make you smile in every way!

May the Spirit be with you!

I’ll be off now!

05/06/98 21:30:57
Name: Spirit Elizabeth
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Show some spirit, you'll have some fun,
Come to Shout it Out, Don't walk,run!
This little spirit knows, You need some spirit,
So let it Flow!

05/05/98 10:45:11
Name: Wee One Pooh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: The Site Fights Your Favorite song: Truly, Madly, Deeply, Your Favorite Toy: a hockey puck
Your Favorite Cartoon: Flinstones Your Favorite TV Show: Dawson Creek


Wee One Pooh here to wish you good luck but I'm also here to give you a spirit stick!!!



Wee One Pooh has sprinkled you with spirit dust!! (I think with a little too much, opps!)

Here take this spirit stick and go! Go out and spead the spirit I have just given you!!

Here are a some places to show you got spirit


Adopt a Mascot

Pass thr spirit stick

05/05/98 10:35:23
Name: Spirit Allison My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Your Favorite song: Walking on the Sun Your Favorite Toy: a hockey stick
Your Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo Your Favorite TV Show: Dr. Quinn

~~Spirit Allison~~

I'm Spirit Allison, and I'm here to share my spirit with you!! :)

Here is a little poem about spirit

Spirit, what is spirit?

Spirit is something you feel something you believe in

Spirit is not to be locked inside yourself but for everyone to see!

Here is a spirit stick. This reprensents spirit. When it is passed spirit comes out of it and when passed you are giving some of your spirit to the person you pass it to!

Never be shy to show your spirit. It is very good to have it. I always feel you when I sprent it feel you about myself and right now I'm feeling good because I'm sharing my spirit. Here are some places yo can show your spirit


Adopt a Mascot

Pass thr spirit stick

If you need any help on your spirit, please don't be shy to E-Mail me or visit my pageCourtney's Pooh Page

Keep the spirit alive and running!!!

05/04/98 23:04:48
Name: Fairy Belle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Hey there, DContendA!!!
I know the road through The Site Fights and to DMan Dome can be discouraging and tough. I know that there can be many beasts in your way. Always remember that no matter how terrible the beast is, he's always nice underneath! With Fairy Belle on your side, you can conquer any beast and any spell! Just remember to sing a song and know that the tale as old as time is true! We're all friends here! :o) Best of luck to you! And, don't forget to let everyone know you're not afraid and you CAN do it by posting a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! If you are a little bewildered, which I can tell you're not, you can always Adopt a Mascot to keep you company! No matter what you do, I will be here for you! The Beast isn't so bad!! :o) Remember to keep DSpirit alive! Visit the home of your DContendA fairies for help if you need it. Check in with the other fairies at The Realm of the Fairies. You can always email me for help too! Remember, having fun and making friends are what are important here! So, have fun and good luck!

05/04/98 20:47:39
Name: DEssence of Jeff My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite site: The Site Fights

Hello fighter. You have been visited by DEssence of Jeff . I am here to bring spirit to your site. May the luck be with you. I hope that you'll get out there and show what you got and "SHOUT IT OUT"

05/04/98 19:44:09
Name: Hayley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: All sites with songs Your Favorite song: Itsy Bitzy Spider Your Favorite Toy: Barbi
Your Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats Your Favorite TV Show: Telli Tubbies

I sure had fun here today, I especially liked your songs, because my favorite song was on there. I begged my mom to play it over and over for me. Have a great day :-) Hayley

05/04/98 19:35:52
Name: ~*Wee One MoonGoddess*~
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me



She sees you~!


~*Wee One MoonGoddess*~ peeked down from the Moon,
And realized it was not a moment too soon~!!
She saw you (((cheer))),
She saw you (((clap))),
And has come to {{{{{tickle}}}}} you for doing just that!
She reminds you to visit the DRealm of the Spirit today,
See the fairies at work and play!
Ignite, sparkle, explode with a BOOM!
We'll see your cheers at SHOUT IT OUT! soon!!


BEST OF LUCK to you in the Fights!! May you fly high!!!

05/02/98 23:56:11
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: mine so far Your Favorite song: Theme from Titanic Your Favorite Toy: beanie babies
Your Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats Your Favorite TV Show: Friends


05/01/98 23:50:13
Name: rev nancy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


04/29/98 02:42:40
Name: ZEUS~THE ALMIGHTY GOD My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: yours(i suck up well dont I?? Your Favorite Toy: computers Your Favorite Cartoon: woody woodpecker
Your Favorite TV Show: seinfeld

nice site please stop by mine!!! and please vote for me in the dome!!!!! Zeus

04/27/98 22:18:10
Name: Fairy Belle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite site: The Site Fights
Your Favorite song: Tale As Old As Time Your Favorite Cartoon: Beauty & The Beast :o)


Hey there!
I know the road through The Site Fights and to DMan Dome can be discouraging and tough. I kn w that there can be many beasts in your way. Always remember that no matter how terrible the beast is, he's always nice underneath! With Fairy Belle on your side, you can conquer any beast nd any spell! Just remember to sing a song and know that the tale as old as time is true! We're all friends here! :o) Best of luck to you! And, don't forget to let everyone know you're not afraid and you CAN do it by posting a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! If you are a little bewildered, which I can tell you're not, you can always Adopt a Mascot to keep you company! No matter hat you do, I will will be here for you! The Beast isn't so bad!! :o) Have fun and good luck!

04/25/98 02:00:41
Name: DEssence of Tracy/Wee One Giget My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite song: Uninvited, by Alantis Morisette
Your Favorite TV Show: Days oF Our Lives

Hey Guess What?
Here comes Wee One Giget AkA DEssence of Tracy, to brighten your day with a little spirit

Don't Forget to post a cheer for all to hear, at Shout it Out, and see what spirit others have too! Visit DFairy Realm /a>, and even the Wee Ones!
If you have the time, you can visit my place in the web at CrazyGirl12's Page, or you can go to my wee one page at Wee One Giget s Page
Also, can't forget your spirit stick - don't forget to spread the spirit! and this one too
From Wee One Giget, AKA DEssence Of Tracy

04/24/98 20:08:36
Name: Soprano My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: mine ~*G*~ Your Favorite song: Mary Did You Know Your Favorite Toy: my puter!
Your Favorite Cartoon: Veggie Tales Your Favorite TV Show: Promised Land


The Kat's Meow has come to play
In your guestbook today
Before I go back on my way
I'll leave this wish without delay
And this is what the wish will say
Blessings to you in the site fights today!

04/20/98 22:30:43
Name: Fairy Belle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite site: The Site Fights



You have been dusted by *~^~*Fairy Belle*~^~*, a Spirit Fairy from The Site Fights!
~~**~~ I’m here to wish YOU the best of luck in the Fights!!~~**~~
I’m also here to give your site a *~*~SPIRIT CHECK~*~* !!! You’ve passed! :o)
Don’t forget to post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT!!! Let your Site Fights spirit shine!
I can feel DSpirit in you right now!!!!
Here’s a
to help you out and guide your way! Best of luck to you!

~^*~*^~LET THE CHEERS BEGIN!!!~^*~*^~

Best of luck to you, my darling!
Win one for the DContendA's for me, will ya?!


The team that ROCKS you with every punch!
Get ready, We're gonna take you to school!
All together now...
DContendA's RULE!

04/20/98 20:36:31
Name: Bret Phillips
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I would like to exchange votes with you for the site fights

04/19/98 22:44:02
Name: ange My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: my own Your Favorite song: back for good by take that Your Favorite Toy: dunno
Your Favorite Cartoon: tiny toons or garfield Your Favorite TV Show: i really don't know

hi this is a really nice site!
i got here from the site fights and just felt like wishing you good luck
so here goes....GOOD LUCK!
ange (rokky)

04/19/98 16:30:03
Name: Savannah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Char's safe sites for kids (my mommys page) Your Favorite song: anything by Celin Dion Your Favorite Toy: Barbie
Your Favorite Cartoon: The Simpson's

Hi I just wanted to stop by and tell you what a great homepage you have, My mommy and I liked it so much that we added it to my homepage area that lists great sites for kids. It is a new area of my homepage so there are not a lot of sites on it yet. I hop you stop by my page and take a look. Keep up the great work your page is neat. I would love to recieve your award if you feel I have a nice page. Savannah

04/14/98 16:52:46
Name: M egan McCoy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: games Your Favorite song: old macdonald Your Favorite Toy: play horses
Your Favorite Cartoon: rugrats Your Favorite TV Show: rugrats


04/09/98 15:36:56
Name: Gabriel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Angel Home Page( Your Favorite song: Angels by Amy Grant Your Favorite Toy: Anything Star Wars!!!
Your Favorite Cartoon: Winnie the Pooh Your Favorite TV Show: Touched by an Angel

Very cute page! I like it very much! Hoppy Easter!!

04/03/98 14:05:10
Name: Robin
My URL: Visit Me

Hi there...Just popped in to find a easter egg..Your page is soo cute..Can tell you have really put alot of work into it...Keep up the good work...

04/02/98 06:45:59
Name: Jennifer Patterson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Your Favorite song: Wishin and Hopin Your Favorite Toy: my computer
Your Favorite Cartoon: Doug Your Favorite TV Show: Fraiser

Found your page during the Easter Egg Hunt

04/02/98 01:58:48
Name: Crystal Angels
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hai!! Great site!! Just dropping a note while searching for that egg your hiding!! Come visit me too. See ya!

03/22/98 21:55:54
Name: matt My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite site: Patricks playhouse
Your Favorite song: MMMbop Your Favorite Toy: socker boper Your Favorite Cartoon: SUPER FRIENDS
Your Favorite TV Show: what would you do


03/22/98 16:28:53
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: This one Your Favorite song: MMMBOP Your Favorite Toy: BARBIES
Your Favorite Cartoon: REN&STEMPY Your Favorite TV Show: FULL HOUSE


03/22/98 16:14:41
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: THIS Your Favorite song: MMMBOP Your Favorite Toy: Barbie
Your Favorite Cartoon: REN&STEMPY Your Favorite TV Show: FULL HOUSE

This is so cool!!

03/22/98 16:14:27
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: THIS Your Favorite song: MMMBOP Your Favorite Toy: Barbie
Your Favorite Cartoon: REN&STEMPY Your Favorite TV Show: FULL HOUSE

This is so cool!!

03/22/98 16:14:11
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: THIS Your Favorite song: MMMBOP Your Favorite Toy: Barbie
Your Favorite Cartoon: REN&STEMPY Your Favorite TV Show: FULL HOUSE

This is so cool!!

02/24/98 01:37:21
Name: todd miller My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite TV Show: melrose place

Nice homepage...incredible actually...was fun to view...good luck with this.

02/16/98 17:55:01
Name: Lady Kali My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Have tons of em Your Favorite song: Unchained Melody Your Favorite Toy: My Computer
Your Favorite Cartoon: Fat Albert Your Favorite TV Show: Third Rock From The Sun


You have worked very hard
building a great homepage!
It is a long road, but
you have traveled
it well.
Wonderful job.
Come see me Click here

02/14/98 16:22:22
Name: dPixie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Blue Mountain Arts Your Favorite song: I'll be there Your Favorite Toy: Teddybears
Your Favorite Cartoon: Madam & Eve Your Favorite TV Show: Bay Watch

Hi, cool stuff you got here. I'm still browsing around but thought I stop and sign first. Please pay us a visit sometime.

01/31/98 05:26:23
Name: Zachary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite site: Elmo , & Pooh bear Your Favorite song: I love you , & you love me Your Favorite Toy: Pooh
Your Favorite Cartoon: Pooh Your Favorite TV Show: Pooh

I like your web page .

12/28/97 18:04:29
Name: todd miller My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Cartoon: scooby doo
Your Favorite TV Show: melrose place

Hi wanted someone to sign your guestbook so am I the first one? H ope you got home safe...i'll be leaving in the morning to go back...will keep in touch via the computer..todd

12/26/97 09:24:16
Name: Greg Miller
My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Cartoon: Mr. Mcgoo

Just stopped by to checl out your page. So far I havent got past the music and this. I hope you all had a good christmas. .......-Greg

11/16/97 01:03:18
My URL: Visit Me


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