My Family
My family is the most important thing in my life. They've been there for me every step of the way. They have always stood behind me when I needed them. They mean so much to me. I may not see much of a lot of them because we are all spread across the U.S but I still love and think about them all the time. They have always forgiven me no matter how big my mistake was and I know sometimes that can be really hard. I really thank all you guys for being the greatest family ever. I love you all VERY much
Mom- My mom has been the best thing in my life. She is ALWAYS there for me no matter what. If something in my life is going wrong the first persin there is my mom. She is a really loving and hard working mother. I know her and I don't always get along but that's what brings us closer. She deserves a lot more credit than I give her. My mom has raised me all my life and she has raised me really well, and I thank her for that. We fight about little things such as where I go and what I do. But just as she thanks her mother now I know down the road when I have children of my own I will thank her for raising me so well. I really can't express in words how great my mother is. I'm really glad we have a relationship we do. I know many mothers and daughters don't get along very well and feel they have to keep things from each other but I feel I can tell my mom anything and I thank my mom for helping build our relationship so strong. I really want my mom to know how much I love her and I always will. Mom thank you so much. Love-Jay
Dale- Wow! It's hard to beleive it was only a couple years ago you became part of our family. You have been there for me through so many things I can't even name them all. If I were in trouble you were always there to sheild me from pain and difficulty. You have been such a big influence in my life the past couple of years and I thank you for being there no matter what. I know we fight about stupid things but it's only because we love each other and we have so much in common. I know I have shown signs of jealousy before but I really have a lot to thank you for. You have made my mom so happy and not very many people can do that the way you have. You always protect me and I may say I hate you for it but yiou know I really don't. When I have children of my own I will thank you for raising me so well and giving me the ability to raise my children just as well. I love you very much and hope we will always have the special bond we have now. Love Always-Jay
Dad- You have been a really good dad. I know we fight constantly and it might be because we're so much a like but I still love you very much. I completely understand that you want me to be a little girl and I wish I could be your little princess forever but I can't I've really grown up over the years and I think you mom and Dale have done a really great job and I thank you. Everytime I get a compliment I know it's because you guys have let me grow up and be my own person and I have my entire family to thank for that. You were a really good dad since I was born. I know you and mom don't get along very well but you both have been really good about being there for me no matter what. I can still remember the day you left and how many times I haven't seen you for months and almost years but we still have a pretty good relationship. We really need to work on communicating but as I get older and understand you mom and dale more trust me I'll thank you. Love-Jay
Lorynn- Wow! It was just yesterday you were coming home from the hosptal. You have really grown up to be a really nice young lady. I know you and I say we can't stand each other and sometimes we can't but, I want you to know I love you more than anything. You mean so much to me. I understand that I am a role model for you and I know I set the wrong example sometimes and I'm really sorry. You will grow up to be a wonderful,BRILLIANT little girl. You are going to go far in life and I know you don't know what that means right now but you will. I want us to be really good friends otherwise we will end up not even knowing each other when we get older. I want you to know you can always trust me. I really love you and will always be here for you when you need me. I love you SO much-Sister