Poetry and Inspiration


Kelsey's Story

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International Rett
Syndrome Association

Now playing: "Hands" by Jewel, read words here.

God Sent To Me An Angel

God sent to me an angel,
It had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered,
"How could God do such a thing?"

When I asked the Father
why He sent this child to me,
the answer was forthcoming,
He said, "Listen and you will see."

"My children are all precious,
and none is like the rest.
Each one to me is special,
and the least is as the best.

I send each one from Heaven
and I place it in the care
of those who know my mercy-
those with love to spare.

Sometimes I take them back again,
sometimes I let them stay.
No matter what my happen
I am never far away.

So if you find and angel
and don't know what to do,
remember I am with you.
*Love* is all I ask of you."

 -- Unknown


Favorite Sayings....

Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.

Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.   
-- Peter F. Brucker

Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson

There are no limits on our future if we don't put limits on our people. 
-- Jack Kemp

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

You can measure a man by the opposition it takes to discourage him.
-- Robert C. Savage

Why not go out on a limb?  Isn't that where the fruit is?
-- Frank Scully

Being defeated is often a temporary condition.  Giving up is what makes it permanent.
-- Marilyn Vos Savant

The people who make a difference are not necessarily the ones with the credentials, but the ones with the concern.
-- Max Lucado

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
-- Scot Hamilton

A Mother's Prayer

Dear Lord, it's been such a hectic day,
with little time to stop and pray,
for life's been anything but calm
since You called me to be a mom.

Running errands, matching socks,
building dreams with matching blocks.
Cooking, cleaning and finding shoes,
and other stuff that children lose.

Fitting lids on bottled bugs,
wiping tears and giving hugs,
a stack of last week's mail to read,
so where's the quiet time I need?

Yet, when I steal a moment, Lord,
just at the sink or ironing board,
to ask the blessings of Your grace,
I see then, in my small one's face,

That you *have* blessed me all the while,
and I stoop to kiss that precious smile. 

-- Unknown