Guiding Name: Alkira
Age: 20
Involvement in Guiding: Brownies: leader, Rangers: unit member, webpage co-ordinator, and "all around good guy".
Memorable Activities: This would have to be the time I was taking a group of Guides down the creek. I jumped off a rock, and broke my pinky! My bent pinky is a reminder of an otherwise fun camp.
Favourite Joke: A man walked into a bar and said "ouch".
Favourite TV Show: Red Dwarf, Buffy is a close second.
Favourite Campsite: Kum Ba Yah (Mt Keira), our local campsite. The creek is heaps of fun.
Favourite Craft: Anything that helps to clear out the junk I've accumulated just in case. Have a look at the Craft Page.
Camping Advice: Don't ever forget your pillow, mess kit or teddy bear. And: the term Light Weight Camping is purely relative.
Signature Phrase: Indeed.
Worst Habit: Assuming that everyone agrees with me (ie, being bossy)
Main Ambition: To be disgustingly rich and famous (not likely). Or maybe, to have a job I enjoy, and be able to spend time with my friend s and family etc
Favourite Colour: It's a tie between green and purple. As far as clothes go, blue is in number one position. I'm subject to some rather strong conditioning.
Pets: A dog, Sheba. She has a heart condition, and may not live through Summer. Incidentally, you can get you're dog to take tablets easily by putting them in peanut butter. She just yums them up!
Other's Comments: Kate is someone who is always happy and she is agood friend, especially to Sally and myself. Lesley