What furbies are


Furbies are a kind of electronic pet, and sort of look like doll. They are really cool, and unique toys that can sense light, pets, tickling, and sound. You feed it by putting your finger in it's mouth and press the tounge, it will say, "yum" when you do that. You can teach your furby to do tricks by petting it twice when it has done something you like. Furbies play games like hide and seek, furby says, and ask furby.

When it plays "hide and seek" it will say it's name, and "hide me". Your friend will hide it, and you will have find it. your furby will make sounds to help you find it. When it plays "furby says" it will say it's name, and "listen me". Then it will say a pattern, and you have to follow the pattern. When you made the wrong action, it will say, "Nananananana!" and start a new pattern! When it plays "Ask furby" it will rock itself a bit, and say "o-too-mah". You will ask it a question and rub it's back, and it will give you an answer! If you want your furby to dance you can put on the music, or clap your hands. It is hard to get it to dance by clapping your hands, so I recommend you to put on the music to get it to dance.


This is how furbies look like! Aren't they cute? =)


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