All About Me, The Author Of This Website.

Charity C. (Cowgill) Ledesma

Hi Everyone,

My name is Charity, but a lot of people call me CC. (It has something to do with my initials and the fact that, that is the nickname that my Uncle Herby gave me.) Here are the most common questions people ask me on line, and their answers. 

~Charity C (Cowgill) Ledesma

How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have 3 brother and 2 sisters, of which I am the oldest.
How tall are you? I am 5' 1.5" tall.
What color is your hair and eyes? I have blondish-brown hair and hazel eyes. The only one of us six kids that have Hazel eyes like my father.
When is your birthday? December 20.
Where do you live? I live with my Husband, in a little town called Hartford. 
What do you believe is a big thing in your life? I believe Trust is a big thing and if you can't trust someone then it is not worth spending the time on him or her. I am the kind of person that trusts and respects every one and kinda demand the same from others. My parents say that I have a big heart like my grandmother had, and I of course try to do what I can to please others. Thinking of course that if I can make others happy I can make myself happy as well. So far it has been true. I have been happy with my self for a while now and have gained some of my confidence and self-esteem back.
What do you do in your spare time? I love to read books and am working on writing my own stories. (I love the fact that there is a spell checker on the computers because I am a horrible speller) I love to draw landscapes, Work on the Computer and work on my websites. I love going to the movies, (but won't go to any rated 'R') and going out to eat. I like to take long walks on the beach, or just riding my bike a couple of miles. I also like to just hang with my friends.
Have you ever been outside of the state of Michigan? Yes, I spent 2 weeks with my grandparents on my mother's side when I was 9 and we went to Florida. I have also been to Kentucky, and Tennessee, a couple times. In 1997 I went to Fort Collins Colorado. I was there in the middle of that flood they had that year. And trust me when I say we were literally trapped in the Moby Arena all night long. The next night when we went back to the Moby a lot of people brought sleeping bags incase it happened again. I went to New Mexico on a mission’s trip a few years after that and we visited a lot of states going to and coming from New Mexico. That’s the farthest west I have ever been.
What do you think about church? I have a few friends that go to a Lutheran church. My self I am a Free Methodist, and I go to the Watervliet Free Methodist. I think church is great. A person should at least go to church more then twice a month but that is just my opinion.
What are your nicknames/Net Names? Well let's see, I have quite a few names that I go by. I am not going to list them all here but I will give you the ones that I go by the most: CC, Melissa Jean Wolf, Miaka Lynn Moon, Celina Nakatoma, and Zebra319. I also use Mystery Freak since it is a name my friends gave me with all the mystery books I read.

The following is part of a profile form I use for my Anime Characters that my friends and I have created. I thought maybe it would work in this situation as well. It is an easy way of coming up with questions that you would like to ask, but didn’t think to:

Favorite Food (S): Pizza, Cantaloupe, and Pumpkin Pie
Least Favorite Food (S): Cooked Carrots, most veggies
Favorite Color (S): Blue, Pink, Purple, and Red (Not in that Order)
Holiday (S): Christmas (cause of the family togetherness) <and the presents>
Sport (S): Base Ball, Sometimes basketball or Roller Hockey, and Racing (I occasionally watch Football but that's only when I am at my father-in-law's house)
Video Game (S): Star Ocean; Second Story and Star Ocean; Till The End Of Time
Hobby (S): Collecting Coins and Stamps, Reading books, Writing Stories, Drawing Cartoons, and doing research on things that interest me.
Favorite Book (S): “Nancy Drew and the Clue of the Broken Locket”, and the whole set of “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C. S. Lewis. I have Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, Dana Girls, Bobbsey Twins and a few other, I did some research on them and found out some interesting info, They were all ghost written, but all the credit went to one guy. Edward Stratemeyer, It was only in 1980, that Mildred Benson was given Credit for having written Nancy Drew. Sorry thought I'd give you a little info on that.
Personality: I am very friendly except when it comes to people teasing my friends. I am Caring, and Kind. I have a big heart (That’s what I have been told by my mother), and am getting to be just like my Grandmother who died several years ago.
Strengths: Don’t exactly know what they are, I’m not very confident yet, but am working on getting better.
Weaknesses/Fears/Phobias: Needles, Spiders, Acrophobia, Cluster phobia, and sometimes Water
Best Friend (S): Jammerlea, Angela, KC, Blackblaze64 (My Husband), Brytestar, Bunny, and Souls (All Nick Names)