Join us today!

This page is for the Poetry Sistas (also available as sister). It is a kind of club clique thing for girls (or if your guy and really really want to join, i guess you can) who write or love poetry. If that is you please e-mail me to join. You'll be listed as a Poetry Sista or Sister. Which ever you like graphic wise. There aren't many rules to join us. Just love poetry or write (it doesn't matter how good you are and you dont' have to have a site on poetry, but it helps). After you have joined you can upload the graphics onto your page and display that you are a part of the Poetry Sistas and link it back to the Poetry Sistas page ( If you don't have a webpage, you can still join and get your name listed (if you do have a homepage it will be linked with your name or chat name). I hope to see you join!!!

You can now sign up by usfilling out the form here. It is faster and you dont' have to go through your e-mail account. Click HERE to fill out the form.

Members (as of Sept. 5th 1998):
Staci (me)
Kristina Guevremont

Note: I am pretty sure Poetry Sistas is an original name, but if you see another site who started it before me, tell me and give me the address and i'll change my name. I am not trying to steal anyone's ideas. Thanks. =)

here's the graphic. just right click on them and choose save as, then upload on your serever. If you need help with this e-mail me.

*If you have access to make graphics and would like to make one for Poetry Sistas, go ahead. I'll put it up and give you credit for your work! For now all the graphics were made by me. thanx! =)

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