Welcome to my page for All Children

Hello! Welcome to my page in dedication to a young girl named Tesslynn. I never knew Tesslynn personally, but found out about her on an internet site (the banner at the bottom, please visit it!!) and her story really touches your heart. Tesslynn was only 3 when she was murdered by her parents. This was a result of her child abuse. If you want the whole story about her then go to "Tears for Tesslynn". Anyway, this page is in dedication to Tesslynn.

I have changed my mind on just a dedication for Tesslynn, this page is for all children. Children that have been abused have a very hard time in life, but so do kinds who get ill, an dsometimes have a short time to live, but they always continue to smile, as if they are going to live life to fullest and that they will beat whatever comes their way. They are so brave and so young. And must of them have incredibly supportive parents, who do all they can for their children. Please visit the additional sites i have added. The smaller angel at the bottom takes you to "Pray for Ashley" and the Knight Lancelot, will take you to the "Wishing Well". Please visit these sites and notify me of any others you know of, I will surely add them. And "Taylor's Angel" takes you to a site that you can visit to remember Taylor (she was only 2 ).>

For Tesslynn and all the other children who have ever been abused
The world willl never know,
what a treasure it has lost.
Her life ended so shortly,
she barely got a start.
Not many people knew here,
very few knew her name,
and now she is laying in the ground,
the dirt over her angel face.
The world should never forget her,
as I never will,
for she is that rare jewel,
that no one ever finds.
She would have been a great person,
of this I am sure,
and she would of made some sense,
of this crazy mixed up world.

***This poem is for Tesslynn and all the other abused children. Remember there is some who loves you.***

This page is going to be about only child issues, it will contain links to other sites and pages dealing with the same issue. Don't hesitate to visit some of them. I belive in my heart that in our lives we all know someone who has been, is, or will be abused either physically, sexually, or mentally. If you know someone who is being abuse TELL SOMEONE, don't let the abuse continue .

One of the reason I feel so strongly about child abuse or any abuse at that is because it affects so many lives. Not just the people Tesslynn knew, but the people she would have known. What about the 8 year old boy or girl who was going to be her best friend? That girl/boy will never know what a treasure they have lost. Thank you for taking the time to read this through and please visit some of links to be better informed on child abuse (trust me there is lots to learn, I'm still leanring and i will continue)

* To all the children who have gotten ill, abused, or have a disease my prays and hopes are with you always. Just remember to keep smiling! :-)*



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