We thank you lord for giving
This food we need for living
Because we really need it
And we love to eat
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
Da, da, da, dnt, da, da, da, dnt
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
We thank you for this food, lord
For mom and dad and you, lord
We thank you for this food, lord
And the Girl Scout family
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
Da, da, da, dnt, da, da, da, dnt
Da, da, da, dnt (snap, snap)
Before this day is over
Before the night begins
Help me protect the planet
Be one of it's caring friends
I thank you for all your blessings
May I earn the right
To live in harmony with them
Before the night.
Come dear lord, be our guest
As we gather together.
May our heart glow with love,
Keep us close to you ever.
Friendship and joy, may they
Bloom and grow.
Bloom and grow forever,
Bless our homes, bless our friends,
Bless our common endeavors.
Thank you god, for this day,
Bless all those who greet it.
May your love glow with peace,
May your love go forth from us.
Friendship and peace may they bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever.
Bless our friends, bless our work
Bless each of us forever.
Thank you god for all you do
Thank you god for all you do
Every single day.
My lord god almighty,
Bless us here today
Grant that we will be worthy
Forever and a day.
God made the mountains,
God made the rolling hills,
God made the flowers,
God made the daffodils,
God made the field of wheat,
For all the bread we eat,
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
My god is so great
And I am so small,
But it doesn't matter
He hears when I call!
He hears when I whisper,
He hears when I shout
He hears my "thank you"
'Cause I'm a Girl Scout.
And every seed that grows
Will grow into a tree,
And one day soon there'll be apples there,
For everyone in the world to share.
The lord is good to me.
Oh, here I am 'neath the blue, blue sky
Doing as I please.
Singing with my feathered friends
Humming with the bees.
I wake up every day,
As happy as can be,
Because I know that with his care
My apple trees, they will still be there.
The lord's been good to me.
Let's join hands and give our thanks,
Give our thanks, give our thanks,
Let's join hands and give our thanks,
Give our thanks to god.
May god bless the girls at this meeting
May god bless the food we are eating
May god bless the ones who are leading
May god bless Girl Scouts everywhere.
Namaste means thank you
Means thank you
Means thank you
Namaste means thank you
Namaste my friends.
For good food
And good times
And feelings that don't end
Namaste means thank you
Namaste my friends.
Orchard and ocean
Farm and field
We thank our maker
For all they yield.
For earth and water
For flower and seed
We thank you god
In thought, word and deed.
Sing Alleluia, praise the lord
Sing Alleluia, praise the lord
Sing Alleluia, praise the lord
Right where we are
Ahhh-men, Alleluia
Ahhh-men, Alleluia
Ahhh-men, Amen, Amen
Heavenly father, lord and king,
You provide us with everything
We've got food on our plate,
Tastin' great
Thank you for the food we already ate
Singing thank you father, thank you!
Thank you father, thank you!
God almighty, father of all
God the spirit eternal
Bless us each, one and all
Spirit eternal.
Bless the children gathered about,
Bless adults who lead them,
Bless the children 'round the world,
Please help feed them.
I am strong and healthy
thank the lord.
I have bread, room and board
I have good friends and family,
God takes very good care of me.
Thanks be to god, the father almighty
Thanks be to god, who gave us this bread
Thanks be to god, the spirit eternal
Thanks be to god, forever
Thanks to god, for our food
for our milk, for our stew, for our bread.
God is joy, god is love
Bow your head.
Time to eat, Girl Scout snack time is a treat!
We thank god for his generosity--Time to eat!
For all the glory of the way
For all thy protection night and day
For rooftree, fire, and bed and board
For friends and home
We thank thee lord.
We know, we know,
From whom all blessing flow
We thank him then
We say Amen
We know, we know!