As per request by my millions of adoring fans (okay, so it was one person), I have decided to make a page explaining who I am. This page is probably not going to be very exciting because hey, I'm not very exciting.

So camp is over and I am sad. :( But now I have moved to Boston (well Somerville) and I am looking for a new job. I have plenty of spare time to work on this site though so look for new developments!

This is my 22nd year in Girl Scouts, 12 as a girl and 10 as an adult. I have earned both my Silver and Gold Awards and I am now a lifetime member. I am a Brownie troop leader which should be starting up soon. My favorite part of Girl Scouts is camping, which I try to convince my troop to do on a regular basis. I work as a counselor Camp Hoffman during the summer, a job I absolutely love and can't wait to do again this summer! My favorite part of camp is obviously camp songs - I love them! Camp songs are kind of a passion for me because I think they are tons of fun.

Other than Girl Scouts, I don't do very much with my time. I hang out with my friends a lot but now that I am in Boston I'll be making new friends and doing new things!

These are things that I like to do and things I am active in:

- Girl Scouts
- Being an activist, fighting for equal rights
- Buddhism
- Traveling
- Camping
- Geneaology
- Abnormal psychology stuff
- Listening to music (Folk (like Ani Difranco, Melissa Ferrick, Tegan and Sara, and Doria Roberts and stuff), 80's, sad songs, grrl bands, industrial, electronica, funny stuff, new age, grunge alternative, some hip-hop, some rap, some metal, weird stuff, some punk....blah, blah, blah)
- Going to the clubs
- Thinking about important and not so important things
- Gardening
- Reading anything but my school books
- Watching movies (especially dramas and weird foreign ones)
- And all those other things I like and that I am that may not be appropriate for a Girl Scout site (he he)

Well, that is the excitement about me. I thank people for coming to my web page and finding out about me. Well I hope everyone has a good day.


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