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Our Omniverse

        Omni means all, and verse comes from universe( to “turn” into one).  We decided we wanted to name this our many “verses”, or realities, not just our one.  The following is a list of pages in our site that has to do with the “big picture” of our many realities. 

”Children” of The Rays
I believe that the “explanation” I had here was quite uncomplete, dis-jointed and hard to understand.  There are many sources for learning about rays if you are intrested, including Alice Bailey.

Life, Love & Learning: part 1
A Poem by ALL (all Beings everywhere)

An explanation of the dimensional system from Mother of All.

Mother of All
Mother of All is a collective Consciousness of many beings.  So she is very good at communicating in this manner.  For most spirits I don’t hear sentences; I feel a thought and then put it into words.  But for Mother of All I hear her direct sentences.  She is very good at grammar and uses words in a way that I would wouldn’t have thought to do.  She doesn’t like being paraphrased.  She just told me the reason for that is that in the past when she and other people have been channeled their words have gotten messed with and mixed up and re-interpreted so many times that they don’t mean the same thing any more.

A definition by Mother of All. 
          “First of all you have to discard the idea that Light is what you see by.  All the people on this earth have been so entrained to light and dark being good and bad that they have come to fear the night - which is so ridiculous. 
          The LIGHT that people describe at the “end of the tunnel” in a near-death experience is the metaphysical LIGHT.  It is not what you see by; you can see in the dark.
          LIGHT is a feeling.  LIGHT is a brilliance that can encompass you and fill you.  You can stare into darkness and see LIGHT when no ”light” is really there.  But True LIGHT is there.  True LIGHT is not the opposite of dark.
          Once again: it is a brilliance.”

A definition by Mother of All
          Mother of All says that all of our languages - especially English, are deficient in enough words for the various aspects of LOVE.   There should be over a 1,000.  to be continued...


Please e-mail Llaël Espaze Maffitt:

or Llael’s mom, Nancy at:
Constance Free School
                                                               Asheville, North Carolina                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Update July, 2000
Copyright  1996-2000  Constance Free School
You are welcome to copy individual parts, and please mention this source.