Winnie the Pooh is one of my favorite characters. I have liked Pooh ever since I was old enough to watch TV and since Mommy started reading to me. I think I have ever Pooh book written. His Easter book I can tell you the whole story and I can't even read yet.

I even had Winnie the Pooh decorations and cake at my 2nd birthday party. Even the big kids who came to my party didn't mind partying with Pooh Bear. I went as far as using the balloons as decorations in my bedroom.

This is what was left of my Pooh cake. It sure was good.
Pooh and I have something in common. We both love HONEY. My Papaw puts up honey. He has his own bee hives and gives me honey all the time. Boy is it good.

I just love all the Pooh characters. Pooh is my favorite.

Then I like Christopher Robin because he really loves his Pooh bear like my Mommy loves me.

I like Piglet because he is such a scaredy cat. And Pooh and friends are always taking care of him.

I love Tigger because he is so BOUNCY and I just love to jump on the couch cushions. So I guess you could call me Tigger, too.

I guess Owl is okay because he is just so wise. I just hope I'm as smart as he is, when I get big.

I like Kanga and Roo because it reminds me of Mommy and me. She does everything with me just like they do.

I like Rabbit even though sometimes he makes me mad when he doesn't want to share his honey with Pooh.

My mommy likes Eeyore the best because he is always so-o-o-o-o sad. She feels sorry for him and wants to take care of him and try to make him happy.

And this picture just reminds me of my neighbor, Brittany and me. We are just the best of friends like Pooh and Piglet.

I would really like it if you would like to visit my other pages. They are as follows:

Welcome to Kayla's World

My Pet Page

Please visit these other POOH sites. I think they are really neat.

Collin's Pooh Place

Loryn's Winnie-the-Pooh Page

Susie's Winnie the Pooh

Allison's: House at Pooh Corner

I want to thank Collin and his Mommy for this award they gave me.




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