Welcome to Joey's Raccoon Domain, your source of all your raccoon needs!
Joey's Raccoon Domain contains raccoon pictures, multimedia, information,
games, artwork, desktop wallpaper, a slide show and even an enjoyable quiz
to test your raccoon IQ. I hope this site will help you to gain a greater
knowledge of raccoons, as well as a greater interest in them. Thank for
visiting Joey's Raccoon Domain and have great day!
Updated April 2nd 2000: Welcome to the newly redesigned
Joey's Raccoon Domain. I decided to redesign this site for two reasons.
One, I got really tired of the old design and two, I believe, by redesigning
it, the hits to my website will increase. If you have any comments about
the new design feel free to leave any comments in my guestbook.
My Love For Raccoons
since I was a small child, I have had a love for those furry, mischievous,
little creatures called raccoons. I think the Internet is the perfect way
to show my obsession with raccoons. So I have created this web site to
inform and enlighten others with information about raccoons.