New Vision > Articles
Full Text Articles: New Vision
The article list includes position statements, opinion papers, and personal experiences.
Lucien Howe and his Eugenics
Howe saw the new ‘science’ as just one more weapon in his war against
preventable blindness.
Simulations as Barriers to Education
The "trust walk" and other exercises meant to simulate blindness for
the sake of generating understanding may be doing the opposite.
Barbara McKee (Content Advisory)
Article series on living with a physical disability.
Wendy Edey discusses the role of hope in her life as a woman who is blind.
Funds to Prevent Avoidable Blindness: A Catch-22
Organizations seeking charitable donations for their efforts to end avoidable
blindness may be making life more difficult for those who cannot be cuted.
Perfect Lie
Visual impairment may be seen as a physical imperfection, but blind people
are not alone in being caste as imperfect beings.
the contributors
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Full Text Articles: Outside Authors
Normal Mom": Being a Blind Mother
Rebecca Conrad discusses the attitudes she faced, and overcame, when those around
her learned she was about to become a blind mother.
Child in a Regular Pre-School Program
A Fact Sheet on successfully integrating blind kids into pre-school programs,
as prepared by Ruby Ryles for the National Organization of Parents of Blind
and Participation in Rehabilitation Practitioner Training
Joint researchers produce an executive summary on African-American participation
in the blindness field.
Hands: Help of Hindrance?
Article on hand-over-hand, as opposed to the prevailing use of hand-under-hand,
by Dr. Lilli Nielson.
to Treat a Blind Co-Worker
Practical suggestions for helping visually impaired co-workers, without
being overly solicitous.
and Mobility for Children
Andrea Story discusses the history of orientation and mobility training, expanding
her discussion into how this training as conducted where children are concerned.
Kids Ask About Blindness
The National Federation of the Blind (US) created this Q and A sheet to
address some of the more common questions they receive from children.
Case for Low Vision
An article from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired discussing
the impact of low vision, and the needs of people with that level of impairment.
Impaired Gun Ownership
Dr. Michael Brown discusses rights and responsibilities in terms of gun ownership
among the visually impaired.
Impaired Voting
The Royal National Institute for the Blind, responding to concerns about
voter privacy for the visually impaired, put together this information paper
to help in developing accessible voting in elections.
About Hiring a Blind Person?
Answering concerns about employing blind and visually impaired workers.
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