Mr. Clark's Room Alumni Site

Class of 2006, Lincoln
Grade 5

Have a great day!

Mars Polar Explorer

The Mars Polar Lander, that carried the CD with all of your names, apparently crashed onto the
surface of Mars. It is my hope that the CD survived and will some day be found by future explorers.

The Class of 2006. What can I write to describe this class? This was
an outstanding collection of hardworking and funloving students. Perhaps
the fact that no serious problems developed and everyone attempted
to do their best, at least some of the time, is a fitting way to remember
this fine group of students. We often talked about topics that interested
us, whether they were "in the book" or not. Some of those topics included:
Bill, Bosnia, Kosovol, the Holocaust, and the Middle School. We all
shared our views and opinions without shouting. We tried to understand
the thoughts of others. The ability to do this is one of the gifts that
this class has to offer those around them and the future. There are so
many memories of this class that I will carry with me throughout my life
that I am most thankful to have been their teacher.
Mr. Clark
P.S. This was the first year of Mr. Clark's Room and the Alumni Site!


This page was last updated July 22, 2004.