Hi! My name is Forget Me Not and I am the librarian! Welcome to the ultimate library of My Little Pony! This web page is for collectors who wish to identify their My Little Ponies or learn more information about My Little Ponies. I have tried to include a picture of every My Little Pony along with it's name, it's type, and the year that it was made. If you have a pony that you need to identify, click on the button that has the year that the pony was made or click on the type of pony that it is. Rembember, all the pics take a long time to load, but I am working on making it faster. If you don't know the year your pony was made or what type it is, you can search the My Little Pony Card Catalog of Names if you know the name of the pony. If you are just browsing through this site, start with the 1982 page and work your way through the web site!
Also, we are going to start doing some remodeling in the next couple of weeks; so if you see a bunch of books scattered around, just ignore them. This place is a mess and we still have to file everything and put the books on the right shelves!
This library is comprised of pictures of My Little Ponies that have been donated to me. Of course, because there are so many My Little Ponies, the web page is far from being complete. So in some places, I am still looking for pictures of My Little Ponies. If you have a picture that you would like to donate, please send it to jen2001@email.com. |