Welcome to My Web Page!!

Hi! My name is James. Welcome to my web page! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your stay.

A Little About Me

I was born on December 12, 2002. I weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

I live on a farm in rural Minnesota with my Mommy and Daddy and my big sister Megan. She's lots of fun, even though she's a little rough on me. Daddy says some day I'll be able to pay her back, whatever that means. Click here for her web site.

I just turned TWO and am growing like crazy.  Some of my favorite things to do include running, climbing, playing with trucks and tractors, eating, and playing with Megan.

Click here to see more pictures of me in Photos 2004
Photos 2003
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