Judy T - 10/08/00 07:27:13 My Email:MissusGeezer | Comments: 10/8/2000...Bravo to your sharp guestbook! Best of everything to you from Southeast Texas, home of many fine young Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in the Three Rivers Council. Keep up the good work! |
Judy T - 10/08/00 07:27:04 My Email:MissusGeezer | Comments: 10/8/2000...Bravo to your sharp guestbook! Best of everything to you from Southeast Texas, home of many fine young Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in the Three Rivers Council. Keep up the good work! |
gone2far4calgon - 10/08/00 07:03:53 | Comments: I think it is just wonderful to see Cub Scouts advancing onto the web. As a Den Leader for 2 Years, moving up with my son, I am thrilled to be able to find sites like yours to explore and learn from. :-) |
Liz Fuentes - 11/19/99 00:07:57 My Email:ELFuentes@AOL.com | Comments: |
Richard - 09/03/99 06:21:40 | Comments: this is a test |
Dan Erickson - 08/23/99 13:53:51 | Comments: |
jim wiest - 08/10/99 06:11:01 My Email:j-wiest@msn.com | Comments: Great start on your Pack website. We're looking forward to your inclusion on the Council and District websites. jim wiest: member of the Boulder Dam Area Council website committee |
John Grainger - 08/09/99 22:43:18 My Email:Graingerjm@aol.com | Comments: Very impressive! This looks great!! |
Michael Casey - 08/08/99 19:16:56 My Email:caseybeach@aol.com | Comments: This site is great and I will check in often to see how things are going. We wish you all the best. Mike & Lisa Casey |
Joe Knight - 07/17/99 23:00:59 My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~genso/shinryu.gif My Email:komichido@msn.com | Comments: Looks great, can't wait till the whole thing is up and running. Joe |
Jana - 07/14/99 23:10:27 My Email:jdd63@earthlink.net | Comments: Lookin good guys!!! I'll keep checking back to see how it is coming. |