I use yahoo file manager und the webeditor/publisher hotmetal pro 6.0 a "WYSIWYG" = What You See Is What You Get Editor" from SoftQuad and an Irfan viewer/picture editor for image editing. With these 3 editing and publishing tools I can create good looking websites in less than an hour. It is really simple and it is a lot of fun to design a website and publish using these tools.
Announcing HoTMetaL
PRO 6.0 The most versatile Website development tool. Powerful, customizable and
extensible, it has the power you need to quickly create great sites. With
unrivaled editing, site management and publishing tools, HoTMetaL PRO 6.0 is
the ultimate Website development environment. |
http://howto.yahoo.com/ http://howto.yahoo.com/resources/html_guides/ |
IrfanView is a very fast FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) 32-Bit graphic viewer for Windoze95/98 and Windows NT. Version 3.07 ( - CURRENT VERSION - ) goto free download - Support for Apple QuickTime 3 and 4 (activate in Properties->Others 2) => Support for QTIF, Mac PICT, FLI/FLC, FPX, SWF, MP3 formats - Support for KDC format (Kodak Digital Camera format) as plugin: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474/plugins/kdc120.zip - Change: the Filter Factory part is now moved to a plugin: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474/plugins/ffactory.zip - Change: the LWF format is now moved to a plugin: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474/plugins/lwf.zip - New thumbnail option: print selected thumbs as single pages - New slideshow option: Don't display same image again (if random slideshow) - New option in Properties->Extensions (read only associated types) - New option in Properties->Others 2: Enable/Disable MRUDs in File menu - New feature: count colors used (Menu: Image) - Improved contrast control - New feature: read/write TIFFs with ZIP compression - New option: show videos with desktop size (menu: options->video size) - New command line option: '/killmesoftly' (close all IrfanView instances) - Some minor bugs/features fixed/added |
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