Welcome To My Grover WebRing
Please Join!

Lovable, Furry, Blue Ring Banner

Blue Line

The purpose of this ring is to join together pages on the WWW dedicated to Grover, the furry, blue muppet from Sesame Street. I decided to do this after looking for Grover sites and only finding 3 listed in Yahoo and then, while doing a picture search in Lycos, realized there were many more quality Grover Sites (mine included) that Yahoo was neglecting to mention. The only qualifications are that your site:
1) must have Grover content
2)be rated G (no adult content such as: foul language, nudity, ect)
3)doesn't make fun of Grover (but who would)
4)contain the code for The Lovable, Furry, Blue Ring.

"Wow!" you say, "My site fits those simple qualifications, except for the code part."

Well, fill out the simple form below. You'll recieve an e-mail with the code. Just add the code to your page and I'll look it over. Before you know it you'll be a member of the first Grover webring!

Blue Line

Fill out this form to join!

Site Title:
IMPORTANT: Please make sure the e-mail address you provide is correct!

Password: (Used to access & edit your information)

Keywords (Up to 20)

A Brief Description of Your Grover Site:

Blue Line

This is what the HTML Fragment should look like:

This Lovable, Furry, Blue Ring site is owned by

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