Snowball Related Links

Teen Wire - This is a cool site for teenagers and problems that they face today.

Dr Drew Website - This is a very good website for teens with questions.  If you signeup, you also get 3 free condoms!  Sign up is free!

Greater Fox River Valley Operation Snowball - Cool page.  Nicely written.

Naperville Operation Snowball - Another nice snowball page

Hancock County Operation Snowball - Make sure you check this one out.

Northwestern Illinois Operation Snowball - Another nice snowball site.

Illinois Operation Snowball - Quick page with description and some links.

Rochester Operation Snowball - Simple informational page.

Snowball Speakers

Lessons Of War - Fred Leo Brown - (Vietnam Vet) - spoke about his experiences at the last Operation Snowball.  He has written two books that you may order by contacting him through his site.  Tell him that this page sent you.

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