Anyway don't forget the rules when you finally have my adopted images.
1. No
all kinds of adult sites- like porn sites, sites that show hatred, discrimination,
sites that have something to do with illegal stuffs.
2. Give
me your URL address by sending me email and I'll send you the certificate.
And I'll put your URL address on my page, too.
Link back to my site by using the banner of mine here
right click
it to download to your hard drive.
and link
to my URL address here
Or just
simply link to my url address. When you write me about the ceritficate,
the link back to my site should already be on your page ( also if it's
not the same site, you need to give me the exact URL of that site) like
bla bla bla/1page.html
or bla
bla bla/3page.html you know? It needs to be on the same home page
of couse!!!
rescue Cinderella from all witches!!!
help her get to the dance! Be her faerie!!!
Wake Sleeping Beauty up!!! in case the prince's cursed, too.
two of them can get to be together!
In order to get the treasure,let's play it now!!!
Please also visit other realms of mine
/ faries realm /
wolves - our dearest brothers
state of poetry and quote
rings /
/ awards
adopting zone
This Enchanted
Forest Ring site |
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