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Hi there everybody!  I'm NICOLE and i'm a little angel. The Naquin's little angel has finally arrived and she most definitely has a beautiful pair of wings....

This is to announce that Cora gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and they have named her  Nicole.

After the long, torturous wait by relatives and friends who have been constantly harassing the Naquin household, as to when the baby is really due, alas, Baby Nicole has decided to grace us with her divine presence.

It was doubtful for a while as to whether Cora was playing tricks with us all and was in rehearsal for the latest DTG (Dhahran Theater Group) production by walking around with a cushion under her dress....we are however glad to hear that this was just a rumor and Nicole is our living proof.

I got to get a dog when I grow up and that's final!We assume Nicole has a mind of her own, and certainly likes to control situations, deciding on when exactly she would like to be born and all - so look out Norm and Cora, this is a taste of things to come.  You have a very beautiful, determined little lady on your hands !!!!!!!

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 Webpage created by Dennis J. Quiambao.  Gift of Gab  by Jane Gregory.  Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, July 1999
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